Signs Playing Minecraft

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Signs playing Minecraft


Taurus: *has 64 TNT* this shall be fun *evil laugh*

Gemini: *Attempts to build like Leo*

Cancer: Plays Minecraft Comes Alive mod and has a huge family and makes everyone love them

Leo: *builds a fucking masterpiece*

Virgo: Makes a mini-game that is played by ever famous Minecraft YouTuber

Libra: *Joins factions server and instantly has best faction*

Scorpio: *beats hardest parkour map on earth on their fist try*

Sagittarius: War-Z here we go!

Capricorn: Makes a red stone masterpiece

Aquarius: Plays on a SMP

Pisces: *gets called a noob* cries


Tbh, I have no idea how red stone works xD, but I'm decent with command blocks.

Edit: I am so sorry to all the Scorpios. I completely forgot about you guys and I deeply apologize.

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