Signs as weird / stupid / annoying things my Guinea Pig does

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Aries: Acting weird around every guinea pig he encounters.

Taurus: Needing a carrot whenever a fridge is open (at my moms house he's right next to the fridge but at my dads house he isn't and that little shit can hear it from a mile away.

Gemini: squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak all day long

Cancer: Stalking me

Leo: Being able to make different hairstyles all by himself

Virgo: Knowing to pee off of his blanket when he is out of the cage (I CAUGHT THAT SHIT ONCE AND HE STARTED TO PEE AS I WAS PUTTING HIM BACK ON HIS BLANKET)

Libra: Jumping under his ramp and scaring the crap out of me. (literally the little poo ONLY does it when I'm about to go to sleep)

Scorpio: Trying to bite me when I pet his side

Sagittarius: Purring by every other guinea pig

Capricorn: Eating my homework

Aquarius: Moving all the time in his cage and not moving an inch when out of it.

Pisces: Being 10x more emotional than my brother

Idek what this chapter is. Although he is weird, he still is my little baby that I love <3.

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