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Owen's POV

I step onto the cross formed by the metal walkovers. All of the training of the past year, all of it is down to this. I trust myself enough to do this. I can do this.
I signal for the Raptors to be released and the trainee boy opens the gate. They've been transported into a new enclosure, with an outdoor section and a training section. At the minute, there's a steel wire gate separating the two, but once they're more tame, we're going to get rid of it. Then, we'll lure them into it with a live animal, but that's probably going to be next year.
Phoenix approaches first, sniffing the air and inspecting the second part of the enclosure carefully. The others follow her apprehensively, looking around the section. The wire gate locks behind them soundlessly, sliding into position.
I nod to Barry who's watching cautiously from the sidelines and shake the jar. In unison, all five Raptors look up at me. Blue looks as if she's about to jump, but Phoenix is eyeing me curiously. Weird, she looks like a human.
"Whoa Phoenix," I say, addressing the Beta of the pack. I give her a piece of meat from the bucket, looking into her eyes all the time. She snaps it up, which shows she trusts me. That's a good sign. I throw the others meat, calling their names in turn. They all follow Phoenix's lead and gulp up the meat. So far so good.

Phoenix's POV

I know what he wants. I need to show that I trust him and accept him as Alpha of the pack.
I walk towards him a few paces and looking at him, I lie down. The shock, relief and ....nervousness in his face is evident and if I could smile, there'd be a massive grin plastered on my face.

I know this chapter was incredibly short but if all goes to plan, you shouldn't have to wait too long for another. THANKS GUYS FOR 300+ VIEWS!!! XXX ;)

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