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Owen's POV

When a 50kg dinosaur with razor claws and a mouth full of daggers for teeth barrels towards you at almost 50 miles an hour over three metres, it's scary. So I won't pretend I'm not brave, because, let's face it, most people would go nuts.

Sidestepping the loco Raptor, I turn on my heel to face her and give her an icy look. She roars at me so loud, my ears are left ringing. From beyond the gate in the jungle, nervous chitters are exchanged between the girls. This is by far the worst situation I've been in.

Except maybe for that one date where I spilled red wine on my date's designer white dress. Women are scary.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Barry with his tranquiliser loaded and the finger on the trigger. He won't shoot. Not yet.

I stand still, waiting for the next move. I can't harm her, and I can't beat her in an outright fight, I'm going to have to outmanouver her. Easier said than done.
As I brace myself for the next attack, her eyes clear up as the red mist of anger fades away and gives way to realization. She's turning human again. Nervous chitters escape from her mouth as she bends down to write in the churned up dirt.

Did I hurt you?

The concern touches me. I reply no. She breathes a sigh of relief and clears the dirt again.

What's going to happen to me?

I take a deep breath, and start explaining the situation.

Phoenix's POV

Most of the story I already knew, I got kidnapped; my brain cells were inserted into a Raptor's coding, hoping to make them more intelligent; but they mistakenly added memory cells; BOOM here I am. Messing up the system. And now I'm turning more Raptor than human.

But what I didn't know was who did it. I assumed the head of the company was aware, but he's seemingly innocent. His geneticists were the culprits. Although there's one minor problem. He's got hundreds of geneticists. Which ones were the bad guys?

And another problem. How do they get me back in my body? Apparently it would involve brain surgery, but that could damage Phoenix's- the real Phoenix's- brain. Or it could damage my cells. The other solution was to leave my cells in the brain. If they found my body and 'activated' it again, I wouldn't need my cells. The thought makes me sad, a part of me wouldn't ever fit with my actual body, but happy aswell. I mean, part of me is a Raptor! Even if it's just a few cells.

They need to find the culprit, and soon because I'm turning into a full Raptor. Then they'll probably have the judge interview me so they can get the idiot who did this to me arrested.

Steely resolution gushes through me. They will pay for what they did.

Hey all, hope you liked the chapter! Love you all xx

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