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Owen's POV

As we wait in the heavy darkness, I allow myself to gradually unroll my muscles, easing the tension that has been growing there for the past week. We are close, so close but I don't want to feel too optimistic. Optimism has a way of blowing up plans in your face. In half an hour, Aldridge will be here, and so will we be, to catch her and make her fix Kylie. Rushing water cascading over the jagged rocks is the only noise, apart from the occasional distant rumbles from the park. Rexy must be having a sleepless night. 

Hardwick and Barry sit beside me, and I am grateful for Barry's silent, yet soothing company. Hardwick, less so. The others are  waiting in Claire's office and I wonder if Saffi was still mad. She wanted to come with us, and Barry wanted her to get a good night's rest. The compromise was staying with Claire and the others. She can be stubborn sometimes. 

Suddenly we hear a faint rustling and the sound of a quiet but powerful motor pushing a boat upstream. Hardwick looks hesitant. "You better go out there. We'll pay you after Aldridge is safely with us." He nods, looking like a mute weasel, ready to greet Aldridge. After a couple of minutes, the boat gradually rocked to a halt behind some rocks, where the current wasn't very strong, and Aldridge stepped out. Her motions were cat like as she bound the boat to a mooring concealed in some shrubbery. It's clear she'd been her before, many times. 

"Stop grinding your teeth so loud," Barry whispered half mockingly to me. I wasn't in the mood for jokes, but I did unclamp my jaw. Hardwick and Aldridge were walking towards us, Hardwick throwing shifty side glances at the leaves where we were concealed, and Aldridge watching her step among the rocky ground. Just a few more steps, and me and Barry could jump out and grab her. 4...2....With a definite nod at Barry, we both leaped forward, Barry stopping her from the front, and I jumped and shoved a sack over her head. I'd like to say I felt a bit remorseful about kidnapping her, but I'd be lying. 

Although we had bound up her ankles and wrists, we forgot to bring something to make her shut up and jeez, she had some lungs on her. We prepared ourselves for a loud 20 minute drive back to Claire's office, and  Aldridge didn't dissapoint.

"Why did you want to create a human- dinosaur?" I mumble after about 10 minutes of non stop shouting. Until now no one had spoken to her. As she hears this, she immediately stopped.

"So that's what this is about. Hardwick hear undoubtedly told you everything already, well as much as he knows anyway."  I glance to the passenger seat and notice Hardwick is trying to avoid the glare she is throwing at the rear view mirror. Wimp. "Why does anyone do anything? I wanted to see if I could."

"Without thinking of the repercussions, without thinking how it would affect the life of the girl you kidnapped!" It takes all my willpower to keep my eyes on the road and not start shouting at her then and there. I pressed down on the accelerator, wanting to be as far away from her as possible. The jeep hummed as it raced down the concealed forest path. 

"Minor. In the grand scheme of things, what is one human life, especially a girl who no one will miss, when the possibilities of this technology are limitless." At this I did turn around, catching her recoil from me before her mouth curved upwards in a snarky smile. 

"Owen, focus on the road." Barry's steely voice reminded me and I turned around, the jeep now buzzing down the path like a hornet. The rest of the journey was quiet apart from the sound of the jeep and the background whispers of the wildlife around us, though every time I glanced back I saw her smug smile. She wanted to drive me insane. 

As we pulled up next to the discreet office building near the back of the building where the others would meet us, I saw them waiting for us near the back entrance. Barry pulled her out, more gently than she deserved.

"Here she is," I said while Aldridge unfurled herself from Barry's clasp, and smiled like a tiger at our hostile expressions.

"Well, this is going to be fun." This time I did grind my teeth audibly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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