Chapter 7- unfamiliar scent

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Chapter 7-

I woke up and thought about bonding with my parents and how nice ur felt to spend time with them. But then my thoughts went back to leah. How could this of happened to her? And to top it all off it happened when she tried to help someone!

I want to visit her today, I need to. I got up and picked out an outfit then brushed my teeth and everything. After I was done i went downstairs.

"he nessie!" emmet said giving me a bear hug."hi em." I said. Everyone came up and hugged me except mom grandma esme, grandpa carisle and dad. Where r they?

"where is mom, dad and grandma esme and grandpa carisle?" I asked looking around."right here!" my mom called out then came out of the kitchen and gave me a hug followed by dad."what about esme and carisle?" I asked.

"esmes in the kitchen and carisles at work." dad replied smiling. I smiled back."can I go see Leah?" I asked. Boy, do I hav a lot of question! Dad chucked a little bit. Probably at my thought. Haha.

"sure, nudger. But be back before lunch, okay?" mom asked looking me in the eyes. I huffed."fine." I shrugged."bye guys!" I called out then walked out the door.

I don't feel like walking so I'm going to run there...


Once I got to the nurse counter I asked to see Leah Clearwater."she's in her room. I suppose u remember where that is?" the nurse asked kindly."yes, thanki though." I nodded then went to room 6, where Leah was.

"hi leah! R u feeling better?" I asked after closing the door. It still smelled like sick people and I could hear the coughs and screams of adults and even children. It hurt to hear this. Broke my heart.

"ya, I'm fine. I'm going to be able to get out in like 20 minutes but-" Leah started to say but someone walked in and cut her off. It was grandpa."but, Leah still has some broken bones and will hav to take it easy." grandpa said.

Then he leaned in to whisper something to us."not to mention to take it easy with wolf duties.." he whispered. Leah nodded disappointingly.

"but don't worry! U still have me!" I reapeared from what I said from yesterday when I was with her when Jake came also."sure.." age said rolling her eyes.

"let me get nurse amber to give u some prescriptions and then u should be out in no time!" grandpa said happily looking at me. He must've noticed how sad I was about Leah yesterday.

Leah nodded then sat up."thank goodness I don't hav wolf duties for a long time!" she said with satisfaction. I gave her a confused look. I thought she was disapointed.

"1, wolf duties is like ur life and 2, I thought u were sad?" I asked."I was at first but then I thought about it and it means more Leah time for me! Besides...I still have u to annoy." she said grinning.

"ah haha." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes. Then nurse amber came in with a little white baggy. Smelt like meducine. It must be the prescriptions."here is your medicine. Take it every 6 hours and before u go to bed. U may leave now." amber says handing her the medication.

"thx." Leah said then got up from the bed and came over to me."let's go!" she said happily."hoora!" I annouced."bye leah!" nurse amber called out xhuckling. We waved to her then fit into my car.

"ready to face the pack?" I asked smirking."I don't hav a choice, do i?" she asked."nope!" I said then started driving to sams house.


Nice we got inside the house everyone was excited that Leah was back and good as new! Espesialky quil since he felt kinda bad for what happened.

"leah! I'm so happy ur better! Here hav a muffin!" Emily said excitedly."don't mind if I do." Leah said grabbing the muffin and stuffing it in her mouth after sitting down.

Typical leah.

"I should leave. I told my mom I would be back before lunch." I shrugged."that's okay, just promise to come back later!" Seth said before I walked out the door.

I ran to my house but stopped when I smelt something unfamiliar. It wasn't human. It was a...vampire! It didn't smell like anyone I knew so I just shrugged it off and kept walking.

Every now and then I would hear wind blow past me. But it's probably just the weather nothing vampire related*nervous laugh*.

I started to get scared when I heard a twig break from behind me. I turned my head to find......

Jane volturi..........

A/N=please vote and comment!!!! I Want to dedicate this chapter to chrazytrain1 because for one, she has commented on every chappy so far!! Thx!! And I might add a new character made by chrazytrain1 but I don't know what the persons name should be*sigh*. So give me some ideas!!!


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