Chapter 13- movie with a side of ball

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Chapter 13-

I sighed. Jacob got off the bed, gave me a kiss on the cheek then left the room."I am really sorry renesmee. Please forgive me." dad pleaded.

"but why keep it from me? Even worse, why make everyone else keep it from me to?" I asked looking at the floor.

"Jacob already told you. Because Alice had a vision that if we told you, you would leave so that we wouldn't have to start a war whenever they come." dad sighed.

Everything he said was starting to make sense. All that he was trying to do was keep his only daughter with him. So that I wouldn't become one of the.....volturis.

"I'm so sorry, daddy! I understand now! I'm sorry!" I yelped then hugged him."it's okay renesmee." he replied."we're having movie night. Come watch with us?"

"sure." I agreed. We walked downstairs to the tv room. I sat down next to Jacob and mom. Everyone else found there own places."what should we watch?" grandma asked.

"how about housesitter?" emmet recommended."nah. How about narnia!" jasper exclaimed looking at me. He must know how much I love those movies.

"how about we let renesmee choose?" grandpa suggested. Everyone nodded there heads."okay. How about...........finding nemo!" I exclaimed, laughing. Everyone groaned while mom just smiled.

"Okay okay. I was just jokin. How about......drum roll please!........monte Carlo?"I said, throwing out jazz hands.

Everyone agreed. Mystical put in the movie and we started watching. I cuddled up next to Jacob. I noticed Alice wasn't in the room anymore but she probably just went to change her outfit.

You know her, always having to change her outfit after every 3 hours. Oh alice. My eyes started to drop into sleep so I knew it was time for me to get some rest. But I didn't want to go to sleep.

Daddy looked at me."I have an amici unmet to make!" I yelled over the tv.

I got up and took the remote and turned the movie down."I'm going to walk." I said simply.

Dad looked worried. I could see why he would say that. I mean it is dark a outside.

I walked out the door with Jacob following behind me. "where are we goinh?" jake asked.

"I was hoping u would know." I replied."I know! Let's play baseball!" jake exclaimed.

He ran back to the house then came back to minutes later carrying a ball and a bat with a baseball bat.

I laughed."let's go find a spot." I said. Jacob nodded. We kept walking until we came to a grass clearing.

Jacob set everything down."let's start." I said."we're not playing a regular game of baseball, nessi." Jacob smiled.

"then what kind are we playing?" I asked."you'll see. Let me change into wolf form first." he said.

I was confused but nodded anyway. This should be interesting......

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