Chapter 26- Keegan

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Let's change Nessies age in the beginning to 17. Pretend she was actually 17 the whole story but she looked 18.

Chappy 26-

I woke up seeing my dad, Jacob, Carisle, and mom when I turned my head. Mom sat next to me and asked if I got any answers. I nodded weakly.

"What did he say?" Jake asked. I thought for a moment than remembered.

"He's not going to be alone, apparently he's bringing his coven with him too, the phasing will last 4 weeks, oh and his coven has gifts. " I said, looking down. Jacob looked stressed and about to phase.

My dad put his arm out in front of his face as a sign to cool down. Carisle seemed serious.

"We need help again." My mom said.

"No, we cannot ask the same people who helped us with Nessie in her younger stages. We can't ask them to help when they may be killed once again. We must find someone else." Carisle insisted. My dad frowned.

"If they are true friends, they will help. And we need all the help we can get if his coven has gifts." My dad declared, stubbornly.

"It is not right to put such burden on our friends as well." Carisle argued.

"This is my daughter, carisle! She's family! If I lose her, I lose her for good. There's no going back. We stand up for family don't we? This is me standing up for Renesmee!" My dad shouted than stormed out if the room using his vampire speed.

"I should go talk-" My mom started. Carisle shook his head.

"No Bella, but thank you. I'm the one who should go apologize. Sorry you all had to see that." Carisle said than zoomed out of the room as we'll.

I started crying. I was the one putting a burden on everyone and it hurt me that I had to do this to my own family.

Jacob came over and sat by my feet that were laying straight ahead of me but we weren't touching. My mom sighed because she was sad to see her only daughter crying.

"I'm so sorry, mommy." I wailed. My mom smiled sadly.

"Oh honey, it's not your fault." She said. It was my fault but I didn't argue with her, there was enough arguing for one day.
"Jake?" I asked my boyfriend as we sat with out feet dangling off of the cliff in la push.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Maybe I should just join them."

Jacob widened his eyes.

"No." He said simply. I sighed.

"Jacob, we can avoid fighting and everything if I just join them. There won't be anyone dieing for my cause and you all won't have to deal with me." I insisted.

"Renesmee, your family loves you and I love you. We are willing to stand up for you. Don't you understand?" Jacob said. I nodded but still felt I should join them.

"I'm gonna head on home. I need to cold water splashed on my face because it feels like an oven." I said. Jacob nodded. I stood up then went into the woods.

It wasn't as hot in here with the shade from the trees. I thought a heard a voice but it might've just been my imagination.

I was wrong.

"Renesmee." The voice said. I gasped, scared.

It was a boy who looked about 19. I didn't know him but his face was shining like diamonds from a hint of some sun.

He was a vampire.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Keegan." The vampire said.

"How do you know me?" I asked.

"I'm in Brendens coven."

At that I started running away from him. I was far from where Jacob and I were and I knew he wouldn't be able to hear me if I screamed for help.

My forehead was starting to sweat and I got really got. I was really hating phase 2 at the moment. I stopped and tried to take deep breaths.

I could see Keegan but he was far from me. He stopped where he was.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to warn you." He said. I didn't believed him.

"Yea right!" I shouted. Keegan rolled his eyes.

"Brenden will be here soon. I don't think it's right that he's taking you from your family because you are going to have a great power. He reminds me of Aro." Keegan explained.

"How come your here sooner?" I asked, not as scared as before now that I knew he wasn't going to rip my head off.

"I have a power. I can transport myself to places in a matter of seconds." He said. I remembered when Brenden said his coven had gifts.
I started to smell another vampire.


"Play along." Keegan whispered to low for Brenden to hear.

"I found her in the woods." Keegan told Brenden when he arrived.

"Let's hurry." Brenden said. Keegan nodded. Suddenly I felt very tired and was drifting off. What was happening?

I awoke in a room. It looked like an apartment room. No dongons, no blood stained walls.

It was just a regular room in an apartment.

I smelled another vampire.

"Keegan." I said. I turned my head and found him by the door. "Where's Brenden? What happened?"

"Brenden went to write a note for your family saying that he will snap your neck with his bare hands if they try to take you back. Not my idea." Keegan said.

I furrowed my eyebrows, scared that my family were going to come.

"What happened?" I asked.

"When we were in the woods yesterday, Brenden used his power on you. He can make people unconscious." Keegan replied.

My family is so going to die with all these powers.

My thoughts went to Jacob. What would he do? I knew how stubborn he was. He would come on over here try to get me back and then...he'll die.

"Help me escape myself." I declared.

"Are you sure you want to do this when there is a risk that Brenden might rip your family's heads off if he finds out?" Keegan asked.

I wasn't sure.

But it would be safer if I left instead if them coming here.

"There's a risk that I might lose my family if I don't." I insisted.

"Okay. But don't say I didn't warn you."

Hi everyone!! Lets dedicate this chapter and the character Keegan to @eyansaif20_04!!!! She/he typed a message on my message board that was probably nice. Not a ton of people comment to me about ME everyday but this person typed something about me as an author. Thank you @eyansaif20_40!!

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