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"I've been searching for ya ' bad that I found ya' "
-ASHANTI (happy)

Ashanti POV

With my mood finally better I look down and smile,satisfies with the master peice I have created.
Faning the beads of sweat that begin to form on my forehead  I wipe the edges of the dish and sprinkle the finishing garnishes on the oxtail.

After a few minutes I decide to hop In the shower again and begin dancing not realizing 30 minutes had already gone by until I finally get a text from kaila giving me the address.

That's when I rush and get out quickly.
I look into my closet and come up with a white v-neck with some red skinny jeans all white Huaraches and a layered gold necklace complementing the simple v-neck. I do my hygiene routine grab the oxtail, my purse and quickly rush out to hail a cab.

---------/20 minutes later/---------

As I arrive in Marcus Garvery park
automatically I am greeted by uncle kaila's uncle. He is almost 40 but acts like just us and he already got his red cup full and in motion.

"Hey shanti" he say putting his hand around my shoulders.
"Hey uncle Berry"I respond as I put the oxtail down.

Smeling the aroma Mr. berry quickly follows me rubing his hands together and attempts to peel the lid back.

"Uh--uh no not with those hands" I say slapping his huge sausage fingers away.

"Oh he'll no if his ass-scratching ass touch that I am not eating it Ashanti"kaila blurts out greeting me.

" Oh trust i already got that under control but Gurl look at you...... That floral print is everything on you "I say snapping my fingers.
"Oh this ole thing" she responses spinning .

"Girl bye anyway I'm hungry let bring the oxtail to ya mom so she could set it up and eat!!"

I say already halfway towards the line forming by the buffet table.
As I get on I am greeted by kaila's mom and we hug and have some small-talk . Its always good talking to ms.smith but between kaila and her mom's death stares across the park at each other it was hard focusing on what she was actually saying. I see their having problems again.

Even when they stoped my attention wasnt fully given to her because I keep looking forward.I could have sworn I saw a familiar figure..I just dint know who. But I sure was going to find out..

I told her i made my "famous" oxtail hoping that that would send her looking for it so I could buy some time and she did just that.

"Me and momma are arguing right know" kaila says as she breaks me away from my thoughts.

"Oh so that's why you dint come earlier when we were talking?" I say

"And lemme guess it was about randy right?!"I continue, gossiping about her moms boyfriend.

Already knowing the answer I hug her and reassure that by the of this BBQ I will have them back together. She gives me a hopeful half smile as we get our plates.

Still searching for the familiar figure I saw earlier my attention is divided as she explains the current drama.When she finishes guilt swells through me for my less than altruistic attitude but I just nod and give her a sorry look as if I had heard everything.

Suddenly i see him again. He finally turns around and looks up as our eyes meet and instantly I know who it is.......


I thought I would never see her
again and I know it sounds crazy but it kind of pained me that that was going to be the reality of the situation..or so I thought....... And then to my surprise I just happen to look up and as if by magic she appeared there.

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