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"Just remember baby girl this is a letter from daddy....The first man that eva loved ya..."
-who am I with out him? (Sharon G. Flake)


Deep into my slumber my nose is engulfed with the aroma of food.

Still believing this is apart of my dream I start mumbling to myself.
"Mmmhhhmmm eggs,bacon,grits and..." as I scratch my neck still mostly asleep.

Suddenly the ear wrenching alarm from my phones snaps me out of my sleep completely.
Pating my scarf I sit up yawning loudly.

Still smelling food I stand up realizing it wasn't a dream.

"Ida must be home" I think smiling at the thought.

Quickly looking at the time I jet it to the bathroom and hop in the shower.

After coming out I apply my bath and body works lotion and stand in front of my closet quickly putting an oulfit together.

I decide on a pure white crop with dark washed high waisted jeans, a Knee lengh beige draped cardigan a gold watch.
Adjusting my freshly done box braids I apply a little edge control just to calm them down.

I run downstairs expecting to see Ida made me a plate to go. "Good morning Id-

"Wait dad?!"
I squirm running to hug him in astonishment.I haven't seen him in weeks!

I used to be tied at the hip with my dad we were unseperable.I always remembered him being so protective over me he barely let me go to anybodies house except for kailas and dint now about Omarion till she let it slip out.but I guessed things just changed.

Growing up we lived right in the Jerome projects. We wasn't the richest but we lived very comfortably.
I dint even know living in the projects was supposedly a bad thing until I got older and started being more aware of what some people thought of it. But I still dint care.As long as I had my father I was set.

But as soon as I turned 13 everything seemed to change. For one he got a new job and we moved outta the projects but he also became very distant. Some nights he dint even come home because he said of work,thats why Ida was hired.
Alot of times he made up for it with materialistic things that at the time was enough.
But as i matured much quicker than other kids my age and got older i realized nothing made up for him and I had to learn the hard way all those long, lonely nights. If it wasn't for Ida I don't know what I would have done.
I miss my daddy.

"Hey noodles"he smirks calling me by the nick named I hated.

"Dad come on with that again. I'm not the little toothpick I was before"
I say lauging at the last part.

He laughs showing his perfectly white and straight teeth.
"Sit down I made ya some breakfast."
"Dad I would love to more than anything but imma be late"

I say glancing at my watch.

"So be then be a little late noodles 1 tardy wouldn't kill you" he says setting a glass of juice infront of me.

I look at his brown face embedded with spruces of fatigue. His once glowing face know looks dull and aged...still if i look really hard..i can see the handsome youthful face I looked up to everyday growing up.

I haven't really sat down and ate with him for so long that its hard for me come up with the right thing to say.
So I just don't. I just sit down smile and eat.

"I love you daddy" I say. "I really love you..."

_________/1 hour later/_______


"Bish I'm still mad at you for just running out in me like that!" I laughs jokingly pushing shanti.

"I'm sorry girl"
she respond while taking off her gym clothe.

"Mmmmhhhh....So when am I gonna meet this guy" I say putting emphasize on the last part just to see her reation.

She bites her bottom lip and then responds " I don't know...but soon.. He is very private I guess you can say.."

I really hope she dont expect me to belive this dog shit. Maybe this other broads but never me. I know that shiny black BMW anywhere and her funny reaction was even more confirmation than I already had.

But I decide to play it off."if you say so girl. Im bout to head to 4th period okay?!" I say giving her a hug and quickly walking away.

I'm more bothered by the fact that my day1 sis would lie to me than I am bothered by her new man being Jeramiah.
Yeah that's my cousin and everything but that's only because my step father married my mom and Jeramiah is his nephew.

Plus he's a good guy. He always helped a girl out growing up and he got a good head on his shoulders but he is a bit of a hoe. Usually when slides find out he is patience they come flocking on his dick in hopes of being closer to the notorious peter and he as usuall he took every chance he got to get a quick nut.

Even though he claim he trying to stop after the incident, if Ashanti turns out to be another Miranda case that's when everything will change....I promised my self not to get involved with his street shit again after Miranda but this time he's fucking closer to home.

I like to think a nigga is always gonna be a nigga but I watched the way he talked to Ashanti, the way he talked to her,all the way down to how his light honey brown eyes lit up when he saw her at the BBQ. It's diffrent. He's diffrent.

So maybe theres a good reason for shanti not telling me.But as far as Jeramiah goes imma take that into my own hands...



Please don't be a ghost reader let me know what y'all think and your question and vote....:)

Oh and sorry bout this chapter it was a filler but y'all the next one would be better!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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