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"So who is this again your going in thus date with"
Kaila asks suspiciously as she puts the last pin curl in my pressed hair.

"It's just a new friend....I don't even know where were going i just just said yes"
I replied truthfully.

"So you mean to tell me you going out on a date with a new Friend I don't know about and you don't even know we're your going?"

"Um yeah that pretty much sums it-"

"Hey girls...... Ashanti i have to go away a again for work but ill be back in kno time ok?"
My dad informs me cutting off.

"Ok dad be safe and call
Me when you get there"
I say nonchalantly. It's nothing really out of the usual...

"Hey where's Ida?
I haven't seen her rude ass in a minute."
Kaila says sticking a Body pin in the curl.

I try to hold in my laugh as much as possible but I just couldn't...see what you guys don't know is kaila and Ida hated each other ever since my dad hired her. I'm telling you every time they get together its always a big laugh for me.

After gathering myself together
I respond ,"know that I think about it I actually haven't seen her in a while....usually she would call or something."
I said slightly concerned.

"Oh well we will talk about her rachet ass another time. In the mean while you need to be getting ready for this date. Ill be downstairs tearing up ur fridge if you need me"
Kaila says as she walked out of my room.

I shake my head as I sit down In my vanity mirror.

I want to keep it simple but add a little pop so I decide to go for a settle gold eye and some plum lip stick.

Matching with my gold eye look I put on some gold stack rings with gold hoops and a connected finger ring bracelet.
I also thrown on a gold Michele kros watch.

I do my hygiene routine and spray 2 coats of my favorite perfume.

Sighing deeply I look at myself in the mirror start taking out my pincurls.
To my surprise they turned out really well.
Lastly I slip into my white dress and créme strap heels.
I know I'm tall so I made sure the heel wasn't a too long.

Grabbing my gold clutch I head down stairs.

As I walk down the stairs kaila's full mouth drops and her eyes widen.

"Damn!! Shanti you gonna make me turn to the other side!
You lucky ya dad just left other wise he woulda sent your fione as right back upstairs! To change "
Kaila says jubilantly as she drags the 'fione'.

"Girl miss me with that I-

Buzzzz my phone rings.

Mr.hazzel eyes <3<3:
"Hey baby girl I hope your ready ima be at your place in 5"

Jeramiah texts cutting me off.
I smile as I bite my lip and start excitedly runing towards Kaila.

"Girl Jeram-I mean he's about to be here!!"
I say quickly catching myself as Kaila starts jumping with me.

As we settle down I fell a little guilty knowing I should tell her I'm going out with Jeramiah but I don't know how she's going to react so imma keep it on the low till I feel ready.
The silence is broken by Kaila.

"Girl this need to get posted on Instagram let me go get my phone "
She says as she runs up the stairs to my room.


MahoganyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora