Chapter 5

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(Erin's p.o.v)

So we got to the mall and went to some stores.

E. OMG!! Please tell me that is not Jc Caylen..??

C. Yup it is. Wait why?

E. Bc I use to date him and we always had this weird relationship.

C. Oh! So you haven't had any boyfriends in a while.... Who do you like???

E. Know one.

C. Come on Erin! I know you have to like a boy!

E. Seriously Im not that intrested in anyone right now.

C. Ok well, if your not that interested in anyone right now, she said in my voice. We are going to go to a party.

E. Were at?

C. Well do yoy know who Tina Cooper is?

E. I have seen her but I really dont know her.

C. Well I do! And we are going to that party.

E. I dont really like party's and you know that.

C. Im forcing you to go, and yes you have to!

So that was the point to were we left the mall. I got a couple of new outfits. And of cource Cassy bought almost every outfit she saw. So we were in the car and me and Cassy's favorite song came on which is "Cheerleader".

(Cassy's p.o.v)

I was driving and I droped Erin off at her house with all of the boys.. She is sooo lucky she lives with alll boyyss! I am so jealous.

Hey guys, I need a idea for who Erin should be interested in or likes. Same for Cassy. Thanks!

Should I? ( Magcon Fanfiction )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang