Chapter 21

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(Erin's p.o.v)

Well, Cassy is comming over and Im really excited bc I havent seen her in like a long time.

*Door bell rang*

E. I got it.

So I ran to the door and opend it.

C. ERIN!!!


We hugged for a long time.

N. Hey babe. Um did you tell Cass the news??

C. What news.

E. Um.. Me and Nash have somthing to tell you.



E. Thanks

So we all just hung out in the livingroom and talked.

C. Nash were is Hayes?

N. Um upstairs why?

C. Well I've been meaning to tell you guys somthing too.

E. Were listening..

C. Well me and Hayes are dating.

N. Aww little Hayzy wayzy has a girlfriend..

H. Shut up!

E. No Hayes its good. Wait! Please tell me your not..

C. Noooo

Cassy and Hayes said at the same time.

E. Ok good bc number 1 is Hayes is to young. And 2 Hayes is still too young.

H. Look at you 17 and pregnant.

E. Well thats a different story you see we used protection.

H. And what happend there..

E. Well it ripped and..

He cut me off

H. Or did it..... Nash

We all looked at him

N. You think I ripped it! It happend ok were happy now.

E. It did I watched the whole time he didn't touch it.

H. Oh I bet you did Erin...

We all laughed

E. Well .

I said wile laughing

Hey guys! Sorry Im not updating as often. I did start school so yea.. Vote or comment. Thanks!

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