Chapter 24

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(Nash's p.o.v)

As she walked away my heart broke into little tiny peaces.

(Erin's p.o.v)

I was driving and my eyes were watering.

Then I started to ball...

I pulled on the side of the rode, as I wiped my tears away the tears kept comming. I just couldn't stop.

I sat there for a wile and saw headlights.

Great just Great its eather Matt or Nash.

So who ever it was got out of the car and walked over to the window that was down. Before I looked up I said

E. What do you want!

I said in a mad voice

I look to see who it was.. It was Hayes. He was the last person I expected to see

H. Im just here to make sure you dont wreck wile balling your eyes out.

E. Weres Nash?

H. Cassy went home, and Nash went to his room, and... Matt he went home hoping you would be there.

E. Oh.. I hope I didnt hurt him to bad..

H. No I dont think you hurt him.. I think you broke his heart.

I started to cry again.

E. Im just gonna head home I guess.

H. Well Im going to follow you so you dont wreck

E. Ok

I said as he was getting into his car.

I drove home and went inside.

M. Erin

Matt said running to hug me

E. No

I said pushing him before he could.

M. What the fuck is wrong with you huh.. What happend to my little sister that I used to know.

E. Well Matt! First of all your little sister Is not going to be a little girl anymore shes going to be a mom.

E. And whats pretty sad is I get to tell my child that he\she cant see there daddy.

M. Well Erin I cant help you there that was your decision.

I ran upstairs and got my pjs on and just laid there in my bed thinking.

But it kept running through my head over and over again of what Matt said...

That was your decision..

I finnaly fell asleep

Hey guys! Nobody is probably reading this but I just wright when Im bored or have ideas.
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