Chapter 30

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(Erin's p.o.v)

Me and Nash were invited to a cookout at Cam's house.

So this is how my day started...

As I was peacefully sound asleep.. Here comes Nash running up the stairs.

I dont open my eyes but I feel him get on the bed. And then I felt the bed stop moving. I waited a minute, then I opened my eyes and saw his beautiful bright blue eyes stairing right back at me.

E. Hi

I say in a cranky voice. While I tured over were I'm not facing him.

N. Somone woke up on the wrong side of the bed...

E. Its just when you have this 9 pound baby that you have to carry around all the time... Its a different story..

I say turning back over to face him.

We both giggled.

N. You know we have that cookout to go to right...

E. Of course I do, Im a mom I remember everything..

N. Not yet!

He said as he passionately kissed me.

          2 Hours later...

(Nash's p.o.v)

N. Babe, were going to be late!

I yelled upstairs.

E. Comming.

About a minute later she comes waddling down the stairs ever so pitiful.

Warring a bright blue dress with filpflops on.

N. God! Even when your 9 months pregnant you still look beautiful as ever.

She blushed.

We got in the car and started to drive to Cameron's house.

We got to Cam's house and I ran over to the other side of the car to open the door.

As I opend the door she was rubbing her eyes. Which I knew she was tired.

N. Im sorry for dragging you around everywhere babe.

E. Its fine.

N. No, really I alway forget thats another human being you are carrying around.

She giggled. When she got out of the car we walked over to the door.

The door swings open. To see Madison.

(Erin's p.o.v)

M. Hey!! Whats up guys!! Come in, come in.

As we did the place was crowded. Nash got caught up with Cameron. So I just walked outside to get some punch.

E. God damn!

I whispered to myself. This baby is killing me. Can't wait to get you out!

I walked over to the punch bowl and grabbed a cup and got some punch.

A while later..

We all got together and were eating dinner.

Suddenly Nash got up and yelled

N. Id like to have everyone's attention please, I would like to make a special announcement!

N. As you know my beautiful girlfriend is carrying are baby. I would like to say this...

He stood me up, then he got down on one knee.

I could feel tears already running down my face.

He pulled out the most gorgeous ring you could ever imagine.

N. Erin Jewel Espionsa, I would like to spend every living day of my life with you, to see that smile everyday, to love and support you any day or everyday! Give you all I could ever give to a woman so beautiful everything she wanted or needed. Will you do me the honor to marry me?

E. YES!!! YES!! I WILL!!

He picked me up and we hugged while everyone was clapping. I love you he said whispering in my ear. I love you too baby.. As I said still crying tears of joy!

Hey guys! Its finally happening!! They are getting married! I hope some people are reading this. But if you so happen to be reading this just Vote or comment!! Thanks!!❤❤

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