Chapter 33

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(Erin's p.o.v)

Wow... Today is the day.

The day I get married To Hamilton Nash Grier.

And here I was with Kelcee letting ber put Makeup on me. And My sister Elania doing my hair.

I was soo nervous. But I knew that as soon as I saw Nash I wouldn't be nervous anymore he always took my fear away.

(K= Kelcee, E= Elania)

E. Hold still babe.

Sorry I said.

And what exactly are you doing to my hair?

E. Just as you asked, plane and simple.

Yea, but plane and simple are two different meanings to me and you.

We all laughed.

K. Finally done.

Ok I said turning towards the mirror.

Wow I look..

K. Beautiful I know.

E. Done.

You did good Elania.

E. Thanks sis!

Elania was 21 and I was of course 17 and getting married.

I walked down stairs in my dress and snazzy shoes.

We got married in this big open field with alot of flowers and it was really pretty.

I walked right next to my dad.

Aee you sure you want to do this. He said in a worried voice.

Dad, trust me Im ready.

Dad? I said really quietly.

He looked over as if to say yes.

Just, dont let me fall.

He looked back in front of Him and said Never.

The music started playing.

I took a deep breath and exhaled.

We started walking slowly we got out the doors and everyone saw me. But I couldn't see Nash yet.

It was so tempting not to turn and run back in the house.

Then I turned the corner and I looked up from my feet, and there he was.

He was so handsome with a tux on with A blue bowtie. That brought out his eyes alot. And his hair up.

I looked over to see my mom holding Andrew and that made me happy. Since I haven't seen both my boys all day.

We finally reached Nash.

My dad took my hand and gave it to Nash.

As the preacher was talking me and Nash kept looking at each other and didnt take our eyes off off.

Erin Jewl Espionsa, do you take Hamilton Nash Grier to be you laufuly Wedded husband, to have and to hold through sickness and In health?

I looked Nash straight in the eyes and took a deep breath and said I Do.

And Hamilton Nash Grier, do you take Erin Jewel Espionsa, to be your laufuly wedded wife to have and to hold through sickness and in health?

He smiled and said I do.

I pronounce Mrs. Grier and Mr.Grier. You may kiss the bride.

When me and Nash kissed it was like no one else was there besides us two.

I kept thinking of how happy I was. And At this moment I was a Grier. What I always wanted to be.

After the party me and Nash got in some fancy clothes and as soon as we came out the door people were cheering and waving to say goodbye bc we were going on our honeymoon.

He went to say goodbye to his parents as I did mine.

Take care of yourself. My mom said tearing up.

Mom.. I said wile hugging her.

Are you sure you can handle Andrew?

Yes! Now go have fun

We hugged for the last time and I went to go see my dad.

We hugged Be careful he said as always what dads say.

Love you too.

We got in the car and I could still hear everyone cheering.

Nash started the car and he said

We started driving slow and after I got done waving to people i Said,


I said breathing out.

By the way were are you taking me Mr.Grier?

He looked over at me while driving and smirked.

Its a surprise he said.

You know I hate surprises.
I said roiling my eyes while smiling.

Thats the point. He said while smiling back.

Most of the rides was silent. But only bc I was sleeping.

I woke up and saw we were still driving. i looked at the clock and it said 3:00am .

Hey babe do you want me to drive?

No thanks babe I got it, we should be there at about 6:00.

Are you sure?


I leaned close to his face and kissed his cheek.

What was that for? He asked.

Nothing I just...

Just what?

Just realized how lucky I am to be your wife. And It blows my mind that Im actually Mrs.Grier.

It blows my mind that I actually got this far. Which base is this?

We laughed about 5 minutes.

I think you made it passed the second.

He chuckled.

I roled back over and fell alseep.

Then I woke up again and just staired at Nash almost all the way down to wherever we were going..


I whined.

Whhhaattt. He said back to me.

Were... Are... We... Going!!!

Im not telling he said as he kissed me. As I had a pouty face.

You will be fine he said.

I laid my head on his shoulder for a while.

As I was laying down in my car seat I felt the car stoped.

I flew up and said.

Are we here.

He looked at me and nodded his head.

We both got out of the car and he picked me up and swung me around and I sqweeled.

He got our suitcases and we walked to this really nice hotel.

It was still dark.

When we walked into the hotel room I saw a hot tub and one king sized bed and A huge flat screen tv.


How did you..

When did this...

He put his finger on my lips and picked me up bride style and laid me on the bed and started kissing my neck.

Lets save this for tonight I said But we were so tired we unpack oir studd and went to bed.

Hey guys! I made this chapter really long bc It was really special. Sorry If I misspelld any words. Please dont judge. Vote or comment. Thanks!

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