Chapter 29

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(Erin's p.o.v)

Well its been 7 months and me and Nash have been looking for house's.

E. Nash!

N. Yea

E. Come here I think I found somthing.

Which I mean on the computer looking at house's.

He came in the loving room.

E. Look at this one. Its a 3 bed and 2 bath. Its also got a full size basement.

N. Looks nice. How much?

E. Umm I dont know we have to call the number.

Nash picked up the house phone and started calling.

Right now Im pretty much living with Nash. Well his parents house.

I am 8 months pregnant now, and very excited to meet our baby.

Oh and Nash knows what the gender is but I want to wait until the baby is born.

He got off the phone.

N. Well it is in our price range and it looks really nice.

E. Soo...

N. I guess were moving!!

E. Yaaayyyy!!

He picked me up and huged me, which was kinda hard bc of my big bump.

After that night me and Nash got up and started packing.

I droped out of school unfortunately. But its a lot easier on me bc of the baby on the way and just yea.

But I could just be a stay home mom and work around the house, I mean it doesnt sound bad.

Me and Nash are really starting to think about our future together.

I hope we get our lives settled before we have this baby. Im kinda nervous to go into labor.

Hey guys! This is really just a chapter to update you guys on whats going on in there lives. But I will try to update ASAP. As always , Vote or comment! Thanks!!❤

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