#6. Where you go on vacation...

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Cam: Paris. A kiss on top of the Eiffel tower will sum up your get away.

Nash: Australia. He will talk in their accent the entire time, but it's worth it when you get to spend a whole day with baby koalas.

Matt: Italy. Venice will be both exciting and relaxing. You'll party lots, but also have time for a midnight gondola ride for two.

Shawn: Hawaii. He has always wanted to go, and you think he looks adorable in the flowers placed around his neck. You'll both laugh as you (somehow) show Shawn up on a surfboard during your lessons.

Jack J: Cuba. A full week of no sleep, and all partying with your boy has you more than happy to pack your bags.

Jack G: Bahamas. Relaxation is exactly what you need, and what better place than the beach with Gilinsky by your side?

Hayes: NYC. With it being busy and crowded, Hayes doesn't get recognized much when you're out together. It's such a nice change to have uninterupted bonding time.

Aaron: Las Vegas. No gambling on this vaycay! But you'll stay in the finest hotel penthouse overlooking every light of the city, causing an unbelivably romantic atmosphere.

Taylor: Disney World. Grab your Mickey ears! Your cutie will take you on every ride you want, you'll get adorable pictures with the characters, and Taylor has even arranged for you both to stay in Cinderella's castle.

Carter: Brazil. He takes you to an enchanting place with so many incredible things to see. You'll eat lots of food, and laugh even more.

Jacob: Tokyo. It's a place of experience, and you and Jacob won't miss a single detail. Don't forget your hot chocolate for the soho floor!

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A/n: Hey guys! I'm busy, so I apologize for not posting! I'm going to try to do one of these a day. Don't forget to vote!:)

P.S. Which vacation would you take? xo
- MB

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