The Weekend

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You where at your house, waiting for all your friends to call you so you could all go to the beach with the boys.
Then your phone started buzzing.
It was Jade, so you answered.
*Phone Call*
Y: hello?
J: I'm outside c'mon, and I have Meg, and Bree she said she was feeling better.
Y: Ok I'll be right out.
*End of phone call*
You grabbed your phone, sunglasses and purse and you where out the door.
You see all of the girls waiting in the Jeep for you.
"HURRY UP!" Jade said beeping the horn.
You get in the car and you and your friends where off to the beach.

When you get there you set up on the beach.
Meg said she was gonna call the boys and ask them where they where at.
Then you see her, Mariah, Macy, Katy, and Jamie. The skank army.
Why the hell where they here?
"Hey look who it is!" Says Jamie.
She was pointing at you and your friends.
They all walk over too you, gosh Macy looked anorexic. You could see her ribs. She used to be kinda chubby but Mariah made her purge and eat less and now she is so skinny.
"Look at these ugly fat cows, and one skinny anorexic." Mariah said.
You where the anorexic, but you weren't anorexic too bad, I mean you where skinny but had a little bit of abs.
"Why don't you just shut up and leave the beach, this isn't a farm so cows aren't allowed." You told her.

"That doesn't mean that you can be as mean and hurtful to them as you want and they can't say anything about it bitch." You snap.

"Just stay away from us, and out of our buisness." Macy said.

"Your the ones who came up to us in the first place." You said.

"Uh, poor y/n you don't listen, JOSH!" She called. Who the hell is Josh. Then you see this boy come over and stand next to Mariah.
"What's up babe?" He said.
"This bitch is bothering me, slap her for me." Mariah said.
What the heck? Josh can't slap you! He's a boy.
But josh came up closer too you and put his hand up in the air.
"Y/N!!!!!!!" You heard someone call from a distance. It was Ashton.
Ashton came up and tackled Josh to the ground and punched him right in the face.
"Okay, okay, I will calm down man." Josh said in fear.
Mariah, her friends, and Josh all walked away in fear.
"Hey y/n sweet heart are you okay?" Ash said too you in a soothing voice.
"I'm fine Ashton, thanks."
You turn around to see all of the boys staring at you and Ashton.
"What?" You say and walk away.
The rest of them get over it and follow you.
"Hey do you guys wanna play a game of Volleyball?" Bree suggested.
Of course Bree would say that, you and Bree where on the Volleyball team at school, ever since freshman year.
"SURE!" They all say.
You guys find a volleyball net and set up your teams, 7 on your team and 6 on Bree's team.
Your team:
1: Harry
2: You
3: Ashton
4: Louis
5: Jade
6: Michael
7: Niall
Bree's team:
1: Bree
2: Megan
3: Liam
4: Zayn
5: Luke
6: Calum
When you guys had your teams, your team got the ball first so you served.
So basically one time you spiked Luke in the face but he should of moved, I mean why was he even standing there?!? He wasn't in his spot.
Your team won the game.
(You had Harry, Niall, and Louis, of course you won.😂)
You then all decided you wanted to go surfing.
You all rented your surf boards and headed for the waves.
You had to admit you had no idea how to surf, you where from Texas you had absolutely no idea.
"Hey be careful out there." Ash told you.
"Okay, thanks ash." You replied.
You started paddling out until you got far enough, you realized Harry was to the right of you and Bree was too the left of you.
You had to know your surroundings when you where surfing, so if you went under you would know where to go.
You look forward and see this big wave forming, you stand up on your board and try and stay balanced you failed, you tried again, failed, you tried like 5 more times until you finally got it and rode your first wave.
"YEAH, Y/N!" You heard all of your friends shout. They where all cheering you on as you rode your first wave. You where so proud of yourself.
You looked on shore and saw Mariah giving you the death stare.
You put one finger in the air, and flipped her off.
Her jaw dropped and she ran away.
You smirked to yourself.
And finally your wave was over.

You get back on your board and paddle to all of your friends. You sit up on your board and say to your friends.
"Guys that was so cool."
"That was amazing y/n oh my god." Bree said.
All of you guys sit on your board and talk.
Then you see and dorsal fin swim right next to your board and go in the middle of the circle that you guys have formed.
You all look at each other.
Then Jade yells, "NAH! IM GOING!" And starts paddling to shore. You guys all scream in terror until you reach the shore line.
"Guys lets not go surfing again." Zayn says.
You all nod in agreement.
You all return the surfboards and leave the beach.
You say goodbye to the boys and say that you will see them tomorrow because you where all going to a theme park.
While riding in the Jeep, with the wind whipping through your hair you thought about Ashton, and if he liked you. You where also glad you made new friends.
(Omg guys I loved writing this chapter, I liked the part about the shark, comment what your favorite part about the chapter was I wanna know! I will be updating soon, love you guys!🌸🌊🌺🌞)

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