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~The Weekend~
You where at Harry's house where this big house party was happening, and you where at the bar with Ashton about to take a shot. You had never gotten drunk before, and you weren't planning on it. But Ashton was already drunk. You took the shot with Ash and turn around to see..Mariah?!
What is she doing here?
Was she even invited?
What the hell?
Then you noticed that she was walking over to you, but quickly turns to Ashton and says
"Hey Ashton!" And starts sticking her fucking tounge down his throat.
Ashton was too drunk to even realize what was going on.
"Hey! Get off of him you slut!" You yell.

"Fuck off bitch, Ashton's mine now." She said.
You wanted to say something, or hurt her, but you couldn't you weren't strong enough, even when you wanted to say something, nothing came out. The only thing that came out was tears.
"C'mon Ash, let's go upstairs to the bedroom, where you can take care of me." Mariah said.
Ashton was too drunk to realize what was going on, so he agreed.
You have had enough of Mariahs bull shit and you have been dealing with it for too damn long, she was not gonna take away the person you love the most just so she could take his virginity and rub it in my face.
So you ran up behind Mariah and tackled her into the pool.
You where an athlete I mean c'mon you played on the volleyball team, the soccer team and the track team. So she was dead.
Finally you got out of the pool but Mariah chased after you, but you turned around and punched her right in the fucking face. Which sends Mariah soaring back into the pool again.
"C'mon Ash, let's go." You tell him.
You tell Harry that you and Ash where leaving, but the rest of your friends didn't know, but you just wanted to leave.
When you get home, Ashton ask if you wanted to shower with him.
Since he was drunk and he wouldn't remember any of this you did.
While you where in the shower with Ash, he wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him. He started kissing your shoulder slowly. You couldn't believe how much he loved you even though he was drunk.

You got out of the shower and crawled into bed with ashton who was dead asleep.
Hopefully he wouldn't remember any of this.
You snuggled up close to him and drifted off too sleep.....(😴 hey everyone sorry if this chapter is kinda short I had to freaking rewrite it, but I might update later today, I love you guys thanks for reading!😘✨🌺☁️🌿)

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