1: Beginning

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"Come on baby you can do it, just push." I hear Tony chant next to me, I squeeze his hand and growl.

"You did this to me Tony!" I scream.

"One more push Mrs. Perry." I hear the doctor say, I do as I am told and push really really hard, feeling instant relief.

"Congratulations, you're a mom." The doctor wraps up my baby and walks over to me.

"Here's your beautiful baby girl." He says handing me my new born child, I cradle her to my chest as Tony plays with her fingers. She looks up at him and smiles.

"Hi baby girl, I'm your daddy." He says with a huge smile, I could see tears form in his eyes.

"She's so beautiful, she gets that from you." Tony says crying. After a minute or two I hand our new child to Tony, he holds her in his arms and fixes her blanket. As I'm looking at them my eyes get really heavy to the point where I can barley keep them open. I see a nurse walk into our room and over to Tony.

"Sorry but I have to steal her for a little while, we have to check a few things and make sure she is healthy." The nurse smiles, Tony nods and hands her our baby.

"I'll see you later, I love you." He coos to our new born as the nurse takes her away.

"Tony I'm tired." I sigh.

"Okay baby, you need the rest, I'll be right here when you wake up." He leans down and kisses my sweaty forehead before I roll over and fall into a deep and well deserved sleep.

I start to feel myself wake up and I open my eyes, I look around my hospital room to see I am completely alone. I have a feeling I know where Tony is. I pressed the button on the remote connected to my bed and after a few minutes a nurse walks in.

"What do you need hun?" She says sweetly.

"Am I allowed to walk yet?" I ask unsure of how long I have slept or how long it's been since I gave birth.

"You're not allowed to walk just yet but if you would like I could go get you a wheel chair." She offers, I don't want a wheel chair, I want to walk but since I'm not allowed to a wheel chair will have to suffice.

The nurse starts wheeling me to my destination and when we arrive I see Tony looking through the glass smiling at our baby. The nurse wheels me next to him and walks away.

"I can't believe we're parents. After all the things we have been through we still ended up finding our way back to each other, and now we have a beautiful baby girl." He says looking down at me and kisses me lightly.

"I love you so much Alice you don't even understand how much." He whispers against my lips.

"Yes I do understand... Because I love you twice as much as that." I kiss him again.

After about 15 more minutes of admiring our beautiful child Tony rolled me back into the room in my wheelchair and helped me into the bed. When I got comfortable my doctor came in, did a couple of tests making sure I was okay and then sent in a nurse. The nurse asked the question I've been waiting for...

"So, what are you going to name her?" She smiled.

Loving Me (Sequel to Besitos)Where stories live. Discover now