6: Sex, Issues, and Nurseries.

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Tony's P.O.V

I really miss Alice, she hasn't gone anywhere per say but she's been acting well, not like herself ever since she got pregnant about 7 months ago. I know that she's really hormonal but ever since we found out that we are having a baby boy she seems extremely paranoid and I really think it's because we lost our first baby, Daniel, and I'm pretty sure that she's worried we are going to loose this boy too. Don't even get me started on the sex! I love Alice to death but we haven't had sex for about 7 months... I love her and I would do anything to make her happy but right now I need her in a more intimate way, I need to feel as close as possible to her. I also believe that she doesn't want to have sex because she doesn't want to risk the fact that it could "hurt the baby". I don't know, I just miss my wife. I sigh as I walk into Babies R Us, since we are having our second child in about 2 months it's time to start setting up the nursery. Alice is out with Paige grocery shopping so I decided to buy all of the necessary items for a nursery and surprise Alice with the finish product this afternoon. I grab a cart or two and start piling in the boxes. I grabbed a crib, a stroller, a changing table, a momma and me chair, a shit ton of diapers, and other really important infant necessities. Once I got all of the things I need I check out and dash home so I can get to work on this baby room.

I grab all of the things out of the car when I get home and attempt to carry all of them inside but fail miserably. At that moment I had an idea... I get out my phone and call the first person that pops into my mind. About 10 minutes later they pull up in my driveway and all pile out ready to help.

"Lets get this baby party started." Vic laughs as Jaime and Mike carry in boxes. When we got upstairs to the empty bedroom we throw all of the boxes on the floor and look at each other. The walls are already painted so we don't have to do any if that.

"Let's do this..." I whisper as I grab a screw driver.

We are all sweating trying to get all of this done in time. We finally get the last screw put into place as we flip the crib right side up. As we put the crib mattress in I hear a car pull into the driveway, I look out the window to see Alice grabbing Paige out of the backseat.

"She's back guys." I say to the guys. Vic is fluffing the pillow on the mommy and me chair, Jaime is put all the things in order on the changing table, and Mike... Well Mike is eating a sub in the corner moaning and groaning with every bite and every sip of his drink.

"Babe, who's car is in the driveway?" I hear Alice yell from downstairs. We all run downstairs excited to bring her up.

"Oh my gosh guys I haven't seen you in FOREVER!" Alice screams jumping into their arms (not much of a jump, more like a pregnant woman hop). After a minute of her hugging them and Paige rummaging through the fridge we finally tell her we have a surprise for her. We walk her upstairs as I walk behind her with my hands covering her eyes. We take a turn into the brand new fully equipped nursery, I remove my hands and she gasps. She runs into my arms and I wrap them around her pulling her closer.

"This is the best thing that you could have ever done for me." She mumbles into my shoulder, I can feel our baby move in her stomach as she presses against me. I love her. She pulls away and I wipe a few tears from her eyes.

"Thank you guys so much this is just what I needed..." She starts crying again and I can't help but kiss her forehead and her nose and her soft lips. She is my world.

"Let's eat!" Mike says running downstairs. I kiss Alice one more time before we walk behind the guys into the kitchen. I can't wait to meet my son.

Alice's P.O.V

I can't believe that Tony would do all of this. I love that squish... But how am I going to tell him the bad news?

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