2: Heading Home

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I wake up to see Tony sleeping in an uncomforable hospital chair next to my bed, he's so adorable when he's sleeping. A nurse walks in but he remains asleep.

"Good morning Mrs. Perry, I came to check your blood pressure." She starts doing her job when I look up at her.

"Thanks for wheeling me to the nursery a few days ago, I always forget to thank people that help me."

"No problem, helping people is the whole reason I have this job." She finishes up and starts to walk away when she turns around and looks back at me.

"Oh, I almost forgot, the doctor says you can go home today, just check out before you go." She smiles and closes the door behind her, the sound makes Tony jump awake.

"Who was that?" He asks with a yawn.

"It was the nurse, she says I can go home today."

"That's great! We can finally start being parents." He stands up, walks over to my bed and kisses me. He walks over to our hospital bag and gets me a change of clothes.

"I'm going to go downstairs to the car and grab the baby carrier. I'll be right back, I love you." He whispers and kisses my forehead before he grabs the car keys and leaves me alone in the hospital room. After a minute or two I hear a knock in the door and a nurse walks in holding my little baby.

"Hi Paige!" I coo to her as the nurse hands her over to me. I cradle my beautiful baby girl and kiss her little nose. The hospital has her wrapped up in a soft pink blanket and a little pink hat.

"She's all ready to go when you are." The nurse smiles.

"Thank you, my husband is going down to the car to get her carrier so I'm ready."

"Okay then. Well, I'll tell the lady at the desk and she'll check you out." She walks out just as Tony walks in.

"Aw, look at my two beautiful girls." He smiles and I can't help but smile back. He sets down the baby carrier and walks over to us.

"The nurse checked us out so lets go." I say maybe a little too excited.

Tony loads Paige into the carrier whilst I change into my own clothes (my own PJ's) the nurse brought in a wheelchair because I'm still not aloud to walk alot. I grab all of the balloons, cards, and flowers that we got from friends and family during our stay here and we went down to the ground floor. I waited a minute while Tony grabbed the car, I looked down at the sweet sleeping little girl in the carrier on my lap and smiled.

"I already love you so much Paige. I'm going to try my best at being your mommy, I know that it will be difficult. We will fight, argue and down right not get along but at the end of the day I'll love you and you'll love me and love is all that matters." I kiss her forehead as Tony pulls up.

"Ready?" He asks helping me stand.

"I'm ready to be a mom." I grin.

"You'll be a great mom." He kisses me lightly before loading everything in the car and driving us home, lets start our lives.

Loving Me (Sequel to Besitos)Where stories live. Discover now