10: School Starting

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Leaning over, I shake Tony lightly and he just rolls over and ignores me. Little bitch. I shake him again harder and all I get is a little whine.

"Cesar Antonio Perry Soto wake your ass up." With me using his real name he jumps up.

"I'm up I'm up!" He says running around to my side of the bed and giving me a kiss. He knows I mean business.

"Mmhm better be. It's our sons first day of school and our daughters first day of 4th grade." I say and he smiles lightly.

"Let's go wake them up. You get Paige and I'll get Evra." He says and we spilt up to help them get dressed. I peek into Paige's room to see her still fast asleep. It breaks my heart to wake her up.

"Paige sweetheart." I coo as she flips over to look at me.

"Baby it's time for your first day of 4th grade! Did you pick out your outfit like mommy told you to last night?" She nods as she rubs her eyes and points to her chair. I walk over to see her deep blue dress with colorful flowers on it, and a brown cover up laying there. It's actually a cute outfit!

"Mommy! Come on, I'm ready to go!!!" She says jumping up and down ready to get ready for school. Once we both finished dressing our kids we went outside to take a couple of pictures of them.

"Evra looks adorable in his plaid shirt and tie!" I say to Tony as we all walk outside. Evra runs off into the grass adjusting his bleach blonde hair and sticks his hands in his pockets as his pose. I take out my camera and point it at him, moving it around to get the light perfectly (perks to being a photographer) and snap the picture.

 I take out my camera and point it at him, moving it around to get the light perfectly (perks to being a photographer) and snap the picture

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Once we took the picture we hear Paige yelling from behind us, we turn around to see her running over to the brick pathway.

"Mommy!! Daddy!!" She yells taking a seat, we walk over and she pulls her long brown curly hair over her shoulders before I get the angle just right. Evra loves his picture taken but Paige is more photogenic and hates her picture being taken. I click the photo and she gets up and hugs Tony.

I look back at the pictures and grin, our children are growing up right before my eyes! I smile seeing both of them hug Tony as they climb onto the school bus

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I look back at the pictures and grin, our children are growing up right before my eyes! I smile seeing both of them hug Tony as they climb onto the school bus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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