4: Girls Day

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It has been almost two years now since we brought Paige home, and let me tell you, it's not easy being a stay-at-home mom. Tony just got back from a 4 month long tour and I just can't wait to get out of the house. I slide my lipstick across my lips, smacked them and slid on my black shorts, I pulled on my New Years Day shirt and my black Vans. Tony wants to spend time with Paige since he's been gone so long so he's letting me take the night off, I called up the wives and we all decided to have a girls day. I start to walk down the stairs, when I get to the bottom I see my beautiful daughter and my sexy ass husband. They are sitting on the couch, Paige is in his lap, watching Star Wars and cuddling. I love them so much I just couldn't help but smile, he's so good with her. Tony had her dressed up in her Nirvana band tee, her cute stone washed shorts and a little bandanna tied around her head. I giggled and he looked over at me.

"Oh, hey babe, I didn't see you there." He mumbled.

"Mommy!" Paige yells, she just started talking; all she can say is mommy, food, music, daddy, and PTV. I feel we have taught her well. Paige jumps off of Tony's lap and runs over to me, I squat down and she hops into my arms.

"Good morning to you too." I giggle.

"Food mommy, food!!" She points to the kitchen and I nod, she dashes over to the refrigerator and tries to open it. Tony stands up and walks over to me, grabbing my lower back and pulling me into a kiss.

"Good morning." I smile.

"Why are you guys already up and dressed?" I ask him.

"Well, since you and the girls get to have a day out I felt Paige and I could too, when we finish the movie I want to take her to the park, maybe the mall and then we can go see the guys." He explains, I love him so much and I love how much he loves our daughter.

"That sounds amazing."

"Mommy! Food!" Paige yells jumping for the refrigerator handle."

"Have you fed her?" I laugh, Tony nodded.

"She already had a waffle." I sigh.

"Paige come here doll." Pagie sighs and stomps over to me, I kneel down and look her in the eyes.

"If you already had a waffle, wait to eat until lunch okay?" She huffed but nodded and then she ran over to the couch.

"Daddy!" She called and pointed at the screen.

"That's my cue." He smiles.

"Have fun today babe, you deserve to have a day off." He leans down and kisses my forehead then walking over to the couch.

"Mommy!" Paige yells as I go to walk out of the door, I turn around and look at her, she waves. I walk out to the car and start driving to the salon. When I get out I see Oli's wife Hannah, Mike's wife Alysha, and Jaime's wife Jessica.

"Hey bitches." I say walking up to them, I give them all a hug and we walk into the salon.

"So what are you getting done?" Hannah asks, I look at my black hair in the mirror and nod.

"It's a surprise." I whisper. The lady takes me to her station and I whisper what I want done in her ear, she smiles.

"That's awesome! Yeah I can totally do that." She says and gets to work on my hair.

Oy a few short 2 hours later my hair dresser finished blow drying my hair and turned the dryer off, she flipped me around and I gasped.

"I-I love it! It's exactly what I wanted!!" I pet my now half black and half red hair.

"I look like Harley Quinn!" I smile, the girls came over and told me how much they love it. Jessica got her short hair cut just a tiny bit shorter, Hannah got her hair re-dyed black, and Alysha dyed her hair green. We all look like sexy bitches let me tell you. We pay for our hair and I give my hair stylist a hardy tip of $30 because I felt like she deserved it. We walk out and stand outside.

"Mall?" I ask, they leave their cars at the salon and we jump in my car.

We pull into the mall parking lot and walk inside.

"Hot Topic?" I smile. The girls nod really fast.

"Obviously!" Jessica yelled and we rushed into HT, even though we are technically adults we are still children.

"O.M.G!!!" We hear female voices scream, which made memories rush into my head of the first time Tony and I kissed; I smile and turn around to look at the girls.

"Hi?" I mumble. The girls have their hands over their mouths as they look at the wives and I.

"Omg! Alice! Jessica!Alysha! Hannah! Can I please take a picture with you guys!" The girl with brown hair and a PTV shirt asks.

"Of course!" I smile. The girl rushes over to us and poses; the camera makes a click sound and the girl turns around and hugs me.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"I-I'm Jasmine and this is my girlfriend Tara." The brunet says shaking.

"I can't believe I met you guys." She cries, she wipes a few tears away when I get a text.

Tony: At the Mall, are you guys here yet.

I look back at the girl as she cries.

"I have a surprise for you girls, follow me." I look over and wink at the wives as the 2 girls follow me out of Hot Topic. I quickly take out my phone while they aren't looking and text Tony.

Me: Meet me at Spencer's.

We ride the escalators up to the second floor and I see Tony walking with Paige towards the Spencer's door.

"Mommy!" Paige yells and runs to me, the girls look over at me and gasp. I pick up Paige and walk over to Tony giving him a quick kiss and then turning back to the girls.

"Tony, I would like you to meet Jasmine and her girlfriend Tara." The girls just stand there speechless.

"Hey, I'm Tony." He smiles and the girls yelp.

"Can we please take a picture with you!" Jasmine yells. Tony nods and opens his arms inviting them into a hug. The girls run into his arms and the Jasmine turns around and hands me her phone, I take the picture and hand it back to the girl.

"This is the best day of my life." Her girlfriend Tara whispers. The girls scurry away and I hug Tony.

"I love the hair by the way." He says twirling the ends with his fingers. I feel myself shiver, I quickly gave him a kiss and knelt down to Paige's level.

"Mommy will see you at home later okay?" I coo to her.

"Love! Love y-you!" She replies, I looked up at Tony and we both smiled, she learned something new to say.

"I love you too sweet pea." I reply, I kiss her forehead and stand up, she runs back over to Tony and I catch up with the wives who are already in Spencer's.

"Why am I surprised?" I say walking to the very back of Spencer's to the adult section where all of the girls look at the sex toys.

"Hey, a girl can fantasize can't she?" Jessica smirks.

"Oh honey, I don't have to fantasize Mike used these on me last week." Alysha says holding up a 50 Shades of Grey kit that included but was not limited to whips, restraints, and blindfolds.

"NO! TO MUCH INFORMATION!" I screech, I consider Mike a brother and I don't want to picture them having sex.

"Maybe you should buy this for Tony." Hannah tosses over a box of handcuffs.

"No way!" I don't think he's really into this sort of stuff and I can't say that I am either.

"Come on, just buy them." Jessica smirks.

"Handcuffs are fun." Alysha smiles at me and tosses another box at me.

"So are these..." I look at the box and see suction cups for your nipples. I look up at her in shock.

"Buy them." We walk to the front and I pull out my money so embarrassed.

"Have fun." The cashier says with a wink. We walk out if the store and and blush.

"Oh, you're going to have fun tonight." Alysha nudges me. I can't believe this is going to happen...

Loving Me (Sequel to Besitos)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें