5: Again?

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Tony and I actually enjoyed the weird toys, I think me a little more than him considering he was handcuffed to the bed... But its been about a month and I'm starting to have morning sickness. I have a doctors appointment today, Paige went with Tony to practice and my heart is racing because Tony doesn't know yet; I don't want to tell him I'm pregnant and end up not being pregnant. I walk into my doctors office, sign in, and take a seat. I pull out my phone and text Tony.

Me: Hey babe, I'll be home around noon.

Tony: I'm going to take Paige out for ice cream after practice.

Me: No, come home because I have a surprise.

I clicked off my phone and a nurse called my name. I followed her into a room where she took my temperature and nurse things like that.

"The doctor will be here in a moment." She said with a smile while she hugged her clipboard and walked out of the door. Now, the surprise that I texted Tony about is that I got tickets for tonight to go to see The Force Awakens, even though it doesn't even come out until tomorrow. Mommas got her hook ups. The doctor walks in and lays me back on the table, lifting up my shirt and putting the gel on my stomach.

"I can't really see anything, it's probably too early to tell but we will have you give us a urine sample that we can test." The doctor opens the drawer behind him and grabs a cup. I grab the cup from him and begin to take my walk of shame down the hallway and into the bathroom. After I filled the cup I walked back and sat down. The doctor smiled and left the room, I could hear my heart beating. Thun thun. Thun thun. The doctor walked back into my room. ThunThunThunThunThun.

"Okay we just sent off your sample to the lab for testing. We should know your results in about an hour." He smiled but my heart won't stop racing. I grab my bag and walk out of the doctors office, getting into my car and driving away. I have to go pick up the star wars tickets that are across town so that should take me a while.

After I pick up the tickets I decide to go to lunch. I get out of my car, walk inside, take a seat and all of a sudden my heart drops. There in the booth across from me is Raven... Raven is sitting next to a guy who's arms are covered in tattoos, I can't really tell who it is because their back is facing me. My heart is pounding once again, and of course just as I was looking at her my phone rings, I quickly look down and answer the phone. It was the doctors office. When I looked back up Raven was already starring. The air was so think I felt like I could break it. After a good minute or two of eye contact I hung up the phone and she walked over.

"Alice...." Was all she managed to say, we sit there awkwardly unable to speak.

"Alice, I don't know what to say I really wasn't prepared to see you here. I know it probably sounds stupid but I have been thinking for the past 2, almost 3, years what I would say to you if I ever ran into you again..." I stare at her with no emotion.

"I can't do this right now." I stand up, grab my stuff and storm out of the restaurant not even caring that I left her standing there. I pull into the doctors office furious, how could she approach me, I thought this Raven shit was in the past but I guess I was wrong. I get out of my car and click it locked.

"Alice please talk to me!" I hear Ravens voice yell behind me. This bitch fucking followed me! I can not even explain to you how pissed I am.

"Fucking stalker much!" I yell a little louder then intended.

"Alice please! You need to know the truth!" She pleas. I roll my eyes and she continues to talk.

"I swear I have a good reason for ALL of my actions back then. I wasn't intently doing everything, I wasn't aware of it!" She cries, I feel my heart race and my whole body get hot. I can't breathe when out of nowhere there was a pain in my stomach causing me to fall back a little. Raven rushes over and grabs my arm, helping me back to my feet.

Loving Me (Sequel to Besitos)Where stories live. Discover now