Chapter 5 - How to Get a Concussion, by James Potter

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Wren spent most of lunch reading through a book she had brought from home, Various Useful Spells in School. She kept excitedly telling us about this or that enchantment, or how this spell would make the victim sing, or if you waved your wand this way and said "Colloshoo," the victim's shoes would be glued to the ground. She wouldn't let James try that one on anyone.

After lunch, James caught up to us on the way to Potions. He pulled us off into an empty classroom.

"What is it?" I asked, annoyed. I'd been hearing bad reports about Professor Sulcan all day and the last thing I wanted was to be late to his class.

"Quidditch trials are a week from Saturday!"

"What's Quidditch?" I asked blankly.

Wren, Albus, and James all stared at me.

"What do you mean, 'what's Quidditch'?" James hissed.

"I mean: I do not know what this 'Quidditch' you speak of is. Please enlighten me."

James, still staring at me like I was crazy, quickly explained the game. The largest ball, a red Quaffle, could be thrown by the Chasers through one of three hoops to score ten points for your team. The Keepers guarded the goals. The Bludgers were hit at opposing players by the Beaters. The Seeker spent his time searching for the Golden Snitch. If he caught that, the game was over and his team was awarded 150 points. And all of this happened on flying brooms fifty feet above the ground.

"All right," I said when he finished. "So?"

"Tryouts are a week from Saturday!" he repeated.

"So? I can't fly. Can I go?"

James glanced at Albus, who smiled. "We'll teach you! It's not hard, really. James, can you help us train? Maybe we can all get on the team. There's five open spots this year, right?"

James nodded. "Sound good, girls?"

"First years can't own their own brooms," Wren pointed out.

"You can use a school broom."

"I'm not very good..." Wren said stubbornly.

"Surely you're better than me," I said, smiling.

"I..." Wren looked around at us, then looked down and mumbled something.

"What?" James tapped the top of her head. "Speak up."

"I'm afraid of heights!"

Albus stared at her. "You are?"

She nodded and crossed her arms. "And you are not making me ride a broom."

"All right, all right!" James said, putting his hands up. "You can just watch. You want to, Astra?"

"Sure," I said, shrugging. There was no way I'd learn in time to get on the team, but it couldn't hurt to try.

"Ok," James said. "I mean, you guys'll have flying lessons later, but it won't be in time for tryouts, and if you want to be on the team, you have to know how to fly, obvious-"

"We need to get to class!" Wren shrieked, looking at her watch. Albus stared at her. I felt myself go white.

James was the only one with a working mind, apparently. He shoved us out the door. "Run!"

We streaked down the almost empty halls, pounding through corridors and down stairs. We flung ourselves into our seats just as Professor Sulcan walked in. He gave our disheveled appearances a raised eyebrow but seemed to ignore it. Ciara Malfoy smirked at me.

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