Chapter 8 - A Suspect

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The news of Rose's attack was to be kept strictly secret, so of course the whole school knew about it by dinner the next day. No trace of the attacker was found. Albus looked incredibly guilty as he handed the Marauder's Map back to James.

"If you guys had had would have known who did it..."

James shrugged. "It's ok, Albus."

"Anyway, the important thing is that Rose is okay," Wren said earnestly.

During dinner, Professor McGonagall seemed to decide that letting the students know the true story would be better than wild rumors (some involving an escapee from Azkaban, or an angry goblin, or even the return of Lord Voldemort!) flying around the school. She stood up and clapped her hands for attention.

Immediately, all talking in the hall ceased. Everyone stared expectantly at the teacher's table, waiting for McGonagall to begin speaking. We all knew what this was about, and everyone wanted to know the whole story.

"Students, some rumors have been circling about a Gryffindor first year, Rose Weasley. The rumors are that she was out past curfew, and an unknown assailant used the Cruciatus Curse on her. These rumors are, regrettably, true." Everyone gasped, and people started whispering immediately. The headmistress glared sternly out at the assembly until silence prevailed once again. "The attacker was not caught, and we found no evidence that anyone snuck into the school. That does not make it impossible, of course. If we find that any of you aided, or indeed performed, this attack, you will be faced with more than expulsion. The Ministry of Magic has been called into investigate this. If you know anything at all, please step forward now." Again, excited whispers filled the Great Hall. "Students, I advise you to be cautious. Do not leave your common rooms after curfew. Do not explore the grounds alone. Do not be paranoid, but take precautions, please."

Professor McGonagall sat down, and immediately everyone was talking. I noticed she didn't mention that the attacker had demanded information. That, at least, had remained a secret.

Rose looked like she wanted to melt into the table, but the Gryffindors surrounding us asked about a million questions. Of course, the news that James and I had witnessed it had also seemed to leak out, so both of us were bombarded with questions when it turned out Rose refused to speak of her ordeal.

The talking at our table was cut short as a boy slid into the seat on the other side of Rose. He looked genuinely concerned, which was not how I would ever picture a Malfoy. At least, not concerned about Rose.

"Rose, I'm so sorry," Scorpius said earnestly. "I should have stayed, and maybe this wouldn't have happened, and are you all right?"

Rose nodded, managing a smile. "Don't worry, Scorpius. I'm fine. Don't blame yourself. If you had stayed, it would have happened to you, and then where would we be?"

Everyone stared at the pair in shocked silence. A Malfoy, a Slytherin, talking civilly with a Gryffindor Weasley. More than civilly, actually; they seemed to be good friends.

Albus was the first to break the silence. "You're talking to a Malfoy?"

Scorpius's cheeks flamed red, but Rose just glared at Albus. Wow, shy Rose glaring at one of her cousins twice in two days. "Malfoy is just a name, Albus. It doesn't dictate who he is."

"He's just like Ciara, though!" James protested. He and I had both apologized to Rose last night, and now we definitely didn't want her hanging around a Malfoy.

"I am not!" Scorpius said hotly.

Rose raised her voice a bit. "I don't see why any of you would even care. None of you cared about me at all until I became 'interesting.' What business is it of yours who my friends are?"

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