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Merlynn was now convinced that Lancelot had fallen in love with Gwen at first sight. She had never seen any person stare at another with such adoration after only knowing them for a day; it seemed preposterous, but she could only feel absolutely giddy that her two closest friends at this point had such chemistry with each other. Gwen was helping him put on all of his armor, and didn't seem to notice Lancelot's sparkling gaze on her and her alone, but every once in a while Merlynn could see her fingers lingering on his neck or his arm or his chest.

When Lancelot managed to pull his eyes away, he brought his attention to Arthur. He was training some of the other recruits, his jaw set, mouth hard; despite the height difference between the prince and himself, he could not help but worrying about looking a fool, or Arthur figuring out he wasn't a noble. His nightmares had been plagued at the idea of it - he was terrified of Prince Arthur.

"One. Two. Three. Four. One. Two. Three. Four," he ordered his knights-to-be into each formation. His eyes swept over each one of the men in each line, watching for any sort of potential - only half just reached his expectations. It had been difficult the past few months to find the perfect knight, but he didn't complain (well, to anyone but Merlynn) and remained patient until the numbers to the Camelot army added up.

"Well, he looks the part," Merlynn commented to Gwen, patting Lancelot's shoulder. "Just like we hoped."

The chambermaid smiled admirably. "Doesn't he just?"

"Don't feel it," he sighed as he fiddled with his fingers.

"Okay. That'll do for the day - we're done." Arthur watched as each men slumped in relief; he tried to hide his snort, but he was unsuccessful. The treatment he was giving them was easy to the training he put the real knights in. He worked those men to the bone until they were on the brink of collapsing, and then push them further.

The knights in training began to leave the training field, and Merlynn took her chance. She shoved Lancelot in the path of Arthur, thumbs up to encourage him. As soon as she put her hand down, Gwen captured her hand in a shaking hold; she smiled slightly, and squeezed her hand in response. Lancelot approached the prince nervously, stumbling on the grass every once in a while until he reached him and bowed. The forged seal was clenched tightly in his shaking hands.

"Yes?" Arthur raised a brow at the taller man, finger toying with the hilt of his weapon. He seemed strong enough, tall, with broad shoulders, but looks could be deceiving - from the parchment in his hands, he wanted to be a knight but he was not sure whether the man possessed the skill to become one.

Lancelot stammered his response, "Lancelot, fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria."

"Lance...a lot?" Arthur repeated, lips turned up into a smile of amusement, and looked to the left. Merlynn was standing behind the fence, already staring in his direction with a pointed look on her face. This must have been the man who 'rescued' her in the forest. "Yes, my servant mentioned you." Lancelot nodded. "Got your seal?"

He bowed once more as he presented the false seal to Arthur. "Sire." Then, quicker than he could breathe, he was sent to the ground with a sharp pain in his cheek. Arthur retracted his hand and clenched his jaw as the man on the grass grunted in shock. Merlynn leaped forward and hung on to the fence to stop herself from going to the both of them.

"Sluggish reactions," Arthur said simply. "In a battlefield you'd be dead by now. Come back when you're ready." He turned on his heel and walked away with a slight sigh of disappointment; he almost had a flicker of hope for the man.

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