the witchfinder

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Sorry for the late update. . . but here it is, part 1 of The Witchfinder. I liked this episode - it was very emotional

It wasn't as though it was on purpose. She hadn't really meant to do it; she didn't think anyone would notice. All Merlynn had done was let herself relax for a few moments in the cool silence of the forest, freshly collected firewood at her feet.

Glancing up, Merlynn took notice of the beauty that was Camelot, and the large smoke cloud that rose above the fire at the bottom of the hill she was seated on.

"Hors, beride þá heofonum," she whispered, and smiled in delight as the smoke transformed into a majestic horse. Merlynn could only stare for a few moments and couldn't help but wonder why she couldn't do this freely. It wasn't hurting anybody - she thought of it as creative expression.

Merlynn emitted a heavy, remorseful sigh. Her dreams of using her magic freely would be as it always has been - a dream. She stood and began to collect the firewood at her feet dejectedly, then willed the smoke to return to its original shape.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed the back of her gown, which she had decided to wear with the cool breeze, and pulled her back. Merlynn gasped but stared at the woman who was gazing back at her with a look of horror on her face.

"Did you see it? The smoke, did you see it?" she begged, and Merlynn's eyes widened.

"No, I saw nothing," she replied coolly.

The woman glared at her. "Are you blind? You were right here! It was magic, I tell you. There's sorcery here. We must tell the King," she exclaimed, then rushed off.

Merlynn watched her go, feeling even more like an idiot than usual. "No!" she called after her. "Wait! Please."


Merlynn knew she was in trouble by the look on Gaius' face, the frustrated and aggravated look, and she would be getting a mighty lecture of her stupidity.

"It was sorcery you saw," Uther said to the woman who had reported the incident in. "You're certain of it?"

The woman nodded. "Yes, Sire."

"And you swear this before your King?"

"I swear it," she promised, eyes shining with unshed tears.

Arthur, from his position leaning against the throne, spoke up, "Perhaps your eyes deceived you, a trick of the light."

"The smoke was alive, I tell you. I feared for my life," she replied shakily. Merlynn rolled her eyes in exasperation and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I thank you for bringing this to my attention," Uther stated. "Your loyalty will not go unrewarded."

"Thank you, Sire." A knight escorted her out soon after.

A tic in Uther's jaw throbbed as his clenched fist slammed against the arm rest of his throne angrily. "It cannot continue."

"I will hunt down those responsible, Father," Arthur announced. "I promise they will not escape unpunished."

He shook his head. "No. Stronger methods are called for. Send for the Witchfinder."

The court gasped, while Merlynn stared on in confusion. She honestly had no clue what the 'Witchfinder' was, but it sounded threatening enough.

"Sire, is it necessary to resort to such measures?" Gaius implored, stepping forward. He was scared for Merlynn, and bubbling with rage even though his face seemed perfectly calm.

"The Witchfinder is a trusted ally, Gaius. His help will be invaluable."

He nodded reluctantly. "Of course," he said in a quiet tone. Gaius glanced back to Merlynn, who ducked her head.

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