goblisn gold

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Another chapter for you guys! :) I hope you enjoy it x

The attack of Cenred's men had certainly left a toll on Camelot and the people dwelling inside. However, all had been thriving – well, as 'thriving' as it could have been – since that win. Morgana was still considered a saint and saviour to the people, which truly added on to her innocent and loving exterior she put on. The people returned to their rightful villages, leaving Camelot to it's normal capacity and room for re-building. The Lower Town was still a bit damaged, but brought together for the most part.

Merlynn and Morgana's relationship was torn to shreds. Everytime they passed in the corridors or were forced close to each other by events, they would glare at each other, silently telling the other of their true intentions. However, whenever Gwen, Arthur or even Gaius was around, the two put up the image of a vibrant friendship that budded like a pretty flower. Gaius knew, of course, of Morgana, but he too remained 'oblivious' of their hate of each other. But, he was always detached and hesitant when alone with Morgana.

Gwen never suspected a thing of them; she still viewed the two dark-haired women as close 'sisters' and conversed with the two of them quite avidly. She was a wise woman, intellectual, but was obviously quite clueless to the clear truth. Morgana and Merlynn kept their side of the bargain - they laughed, they smiled, they chattered like two old friends. But, inside, the two were dreading the closeness between them.

Among all her other duties which lasted hours on end, Gaius had ordered her to, of all things, claim a book from the Hall of Records. She could have been doing much more productive, useful things that day, but was now going to speak to the droll Geoffrey of Mormouth about a simple book. Merlynn loved books, but she found the errand pointless.

Merlynn found the old, bearded man seated at his usual desk, reading through his usual large sheets of yellowed parchment. His new books, perhaps. He had become quite excited to record the history of Camelot, as well as recent events. Geoffrey was sure that the tale of the 'Great Kingdom' would be one for the generations ahead of them. She just became annoyed that her name would be mentioned in the shallow and quite narrow-minded man's records.

As she stood in front of him, Merlynn was forced to wait at least five minutes while she watched him look through his new documents. Everytime she opened her mouth to speak, he would raise his unyielding hand to keep her quiet until he was finished. Finally, he glanced up with a kind, albeit forced smile. He wasn't one for company, she could tell. And Geoffrey just didn't like her; she was flamboyant, loud and tended to drop his precious novels all over the floor.

"Yes?" he asked expectantly.

"Oh! Gaius asked me to fetch a book. The er...Bestiary of Phylum of Cambria?" she read from the piece of parchment she held in her hands.

He chuckled and leaned back in his chair, looking interested as he fingered his beard. That beard simply irritated her; it was in the shape of a demented triangle almost, and lightened in colour. "The Bestiary? I haven't seen that for many years. It'll be somewhere in the east wing. No idea where," he acknowledged.

Merlynn turned to the right and began walking, but Geoffrey cleared his throat. She paused. "East is that way," he pointed out, motioning toward the opposite direction.

She giggled, embarrassed, and hurried off in the correct corridor in search of the Bestiary. Merlynn made her way down a particular row and discovered the book up in the top shelf of a very large, very high bookshelf. She groaned. "As always, Gaius," she whispered to herself. "You know how to make things difficult." Merlynn stepped up on the shelves, trying to hoist herself toward the book. Suddenly, she put her foot on something on the shelf and the entire bookcase rotated into a hidden chamber.

The Golden EffectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora