the last dragonlord

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Hello my lovely readers. New chapter up! I hope you enjoy it :D

I don't own anything, except of course Merlynn and my own additions and tweaks. Obviously I only own half of the plot, the rest is reserved for the amazing creators of 'Merlin'.

She had doomed herself the moment she looked into that Crystal, and focused her eyes on the future. One possible future, of course. But now, it was unfolding before her eyes. It truly was a curse. Life in Camelot was turning into that of destruction and anarchy. People ran through the Square screaming, either injured or simply terrified. It was a time in which the townspeople united in helping each other, and tried to remain safe while the attack boomed down on them. As if to add to the madness, the rain poured down on Camelot. Merlynn kept in the infirmary for the moment, trying to salvage and heal every person who walked through the doors.

She felt as though this was her fault, because it was. Merlynn was the one that let him out without realising what exactly he would do to Camelot. She should have known.

'I am the last of my kind,' he had said. 'There is but one road I can take.'

Arthur was exhausted. The dragon had begun his demented attack on Camelot three days ago (a week after Merlynn released him), and he hadn't stopped fighting since then. He cocked his crossbow and nodded toward his knights who, he knew, were just as tired as he was. "I know you're tired, but make one last effort for me! Every shot must count!" he shouted over the screams and fiery infernos around them.

Back in the infirmary, Merlynn had to try and wrap up a small child's arm. The little girl had been running away from a swarm of dragon's breath and stumbled over a rock, tearing at the skin of her stomach, face, leg and arm. There was a harsh burn on her other arm. Her mother was kissing at her head, trying to stay strong.

It was what was necessary. Stay strong, fight, survive…remain together as a society.

"You were very brave," Merlynn complemented quietly, trying to ignore the guilty tears that were welling up in her eyes. The little girl looked so broken and in agony and it truly was her fault.

It seemed everything was her fault nowadays. Morgana was still gone, Camelot was under attack and the people were losing faith in the knights, in Arthur and Uther.

"Mama, it hurts," the little girl whimpered, tears streaming down her face and sliding over the cuts.

The mother, a thin, pale woman with a burn on her side, pressed a kiss to her hair and pressed down the cherry-red strands. "I know, but it's going to be fine. Merlynn will help you; she's the prince's servant."

"What's your name?" Merlynn asked to the child as she moved onto the leg wound.

"Maia," she responded.

"Well, Maia, you need to have faith in Camelot, alright?" she said with a soft smile. "We will find a way to stop this dragon, and our Kingdom will be restored. But only if you still have faith."

Maia nodded. She was only ten years old, but understood what she was saying.

"Maia will be okay. I'm just going to finish cleaning her wounds, and then she'll need rest." After she was finished, she gave the two a smile. "Okay, get some rest. I must go assist the prince and his knights."

"Thank you, Merlynn," the woman muttered.

Merlynn smiled bitterly and hurried off through the swarm of moaning people toward the door. She hated the sound they made; that agonized, heart-shattering groan that echoed through the room. Gwen suddenly passed her, her eyes lighting up as she grabbed her arm.

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