The Beginning of the end

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Merlynn went to the dragon once her business with the boy was over. He would tell her, even if it was cryptic, why her name was 'Emrys' to the boy who, before their encounter in the courtyard, did not know who she was. Or, perhaps he did? She was frustrated by it, not knowing.

"Why does he call me Emrys?" she shouted up to him.

"Because that is your name," he said simply. He said it in a way as though he thought her an idiot for not knowing already, and she was even more frustrated by his tone.

"Uh, last time I checked, my name was Merlynn. Mer-lynn. I've never been called Emrys before in my whole life," she retorted, nostrils flaring. He seemed to smile at her then, that reptilian smile that was neither threatening or happy.

"You have many names," he told her.

What? "I do?" she asked, eyebrow raised. "Obviously I was kept out of the loop about this. But... how does the boy know who I am? I've never met any Druids other than him."

"There is much written about you that you have yet to experience." The dragon grinned again. "Merlynn, do not protect this boy."

"Why? He's just like me; he has magic, and he's a child. There isn't a reason why I shouldn't."

He seemed to sigh at her words. "You and that boy are as different as day and night. Heed my words."

"But why?" he was so cryptic, lost in his riddles and his secrecy, and she hated it.

Of course, he said nothing else, but only stretched his wings and flew up into the high cliffs of the cave, leaving her behind as usual. Merlynn let out a small growl and stormed off from the cave. "What use are you?" she hissed, slamming her palm on the cave wall as she left.

Morgana had, before she left, pleaded with her even, to ask for Gaius' help. The boy's body had begun to shut down; the cream didn't work as she had wanted, though she was not surprised. He would die soon, if she didn't get Gaius - well, she could only hope that he would be willing to help someone he was dying, even if the boy was wanted for being a Druid.

"The search for this druid boy is becoming a real nuisance. With all the extra security around the castle, it's taking me twice as long to do my round," Gaius complained that evening, and she nodded, not really paying attention.

The words blurted from her mouth before she could stop herself, "Morgana's hiding the Druid boy in her chambers!" Her hands clapped over her mouth and she stared at the physician, wide-eyed, as he froze at her words.

Things were silent between them before, finally, he spoke, "When you say that Morgana's hiding the Druid boy, I take it that means you're helping her?" He was calm, but she could see he was mad.

"If I say yes, you won't throw that fish at me, right?" she asked, eyeing the dead creature on Gaius' plate.

"Merlynn, you promised me you wouldn't get involved," he barked.

Her eyes fell to her own plate; she, luckily, did not get a whole fish for dinner, rather preferring fruit and cheese. But, even that could not fill the void in her stomach now. Regret and anxiousness caused her appetite to die away quickly. "I know, but I had no choice," she said shortly, knowing that he probably wouldn't understand. "I would apologise, but I'm not sorry."

"Every guard in Camelot is searching for this boy, and you're habouring him under their very noses," he argued, nostrils flared. "Can't you see how dangerous that is? What were you thinking?!"

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