the witch's quickening

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This is one of the longest episodes I have ever written, and I'm a bit proud of it.

From the reviews, I have decided that there will never a be a complete person who could animate Merlynn as a real-life character. But, if I were to choose based on the pure fact of the basic facial features, I think Lucy Griffiths would be a pretty good Merlynn with her black hair, blue eyes and pale skin. But based on a review, I took a peek at Jaimie Alexander and discovered that she would be a very good, almost perfect Merlynn. From the characters she plays, she is mostly a strong-willed, awkward woman who wouldn't be the most stunning woman in the room, but the outlandish - otherwordly beautiful. She just seems like the kind of woman that I could picture as Merlynn, sorta.

So, I think it's sort of a image between the basic look, or the characteristics and facial structure...

But, if I was to pick a song for Merlynn and Arthur, thank you to a reviewer who offered the song 'Take me as I am' by Heather Dale. The lyrics are very precise by Arthur's point of view.

Please, follow me on Tumblr: .com/ (If it doesn't let you read it, my name is bunnies-are-evil) :)

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Merlynn had been sleeping peacefully when a familiar voice entered her mind.

'Take the north door straight ahead. Keep going,' the voice ordered in her thoughts, but she knew it probably wasn't directed at her. It was Mordred, she knew. The small boy who apparently had a destiny to kill Arthur; the last time she had seen him, she accidently led Arthur and his men to the druid camp where he resided.

She had watched him kill a group of men just with a scream. He was powerful, dangerous, but seemingly innocent in looks. Merlynn cocked her head in an attempt to listen to them, and shot up in bed with her eyes closed to focus.

'Keep going. Hurry!' Mordred ordered whoever was with him.

Merlynn leaped out of bed, throwing her coat on, and followed after the voice that was haunting her mind.

'Keep going. It's not much further now…'

She wondered who he was with; he couldn't surely be with another druid, or else she would hear the second man or woman speaking. Merlynn paused as she glanced around the corridor down the hall from her chambers, and waited until Mordred spoke again.

'Be careful. At the end of the corridor. Morgana's Chamber is next," Mordred said, and the young, dark-haired witch gasped. They were after Morgana. Oh, no.

She rushed off toward Morgana's chambers, pursuing Mordred and his party in fear of them capturing her. Then, the warning bells rung through the castle like a sounding symphony, and Merlynn knew that soon things were going to go from bad to worse.

So, she shook the sleep about of her eyes and pushed herself to run faster to Morgana's room, to catch sight of whoever was there with Mordred. It was not as though his intention was to kill Morgana, but there was still that lingering worry of Morgana's allegiance that constantly popped up into her mind.

There was something so off about Morgana these days. She was so sweet, so kind to her, they got along just fine, and yet…there was a darkness that Merlynn so desperately tried to deny. Morgana was meant to be her friend; but, from what the Great Dragon had told her, the 'Witch' needed to be destroyed.

Merlynn stepped around the corner of the corridor she had been previously running through, and was immediately slammed against the wall by a familiar, calloused hand that was pressed against her neck. She glanced up; pale blue eyes, a scruff of blonde hair and that confused expression at her presence.

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