Sin Of the Fther

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Disclaimer: (Because I really have nothing to say tonight - well, not on top, it's at the end of the page ;)) I don't own the TV show Merlin, it's characters or the main plot. But I do own (in some way) the character Merlynn.

The two found a small clearing to set up camp by late afternoon, and now sat by a roaring fire. Merlynn's hand found Arthur's from her position next to him, feeling his body visibly relax and intertwine their fingers together. They remained in a pregnant silence until she finally decided to open her mouth.

"Arthur, what was your mother like?" she asked curiously.

He shrugged. "I never knew her. She died before I opened my eyes."

Merlynn squeezed his hand, and brought her eyes to his. "I'm sorry," she said softly.

"I barely know anything about her," he replied. "You don't need to say sorry."

"Well, can't you ask your father?" she inquired.

Arthur shook his head, his hand pulling hers onto his thigh and began to play with her fingers. "He refuses to talk about her," he confessed. "It must be too painful for him. Sometimes it's as if she never even existed. I still have a sense of her. Almost as though she's part of me." There was a small frown on his face.

"That's the same with my father. I never knew the man. My mother barely told me about him - only that he left when I was around three, and I never saw him again. I have this...vague memory, though. Of him, I mean. It could have been a dream, or just my imagination," Merlynn relayed quietly. She rested her head on his shoulder and he put his head over hers.

"I'd do anything for even the vaguest memory," he sighed.

She paused, then tightened her grip on his hand as a sudden thought came to mind. "So, that's the reason why you're so determined to find Morgause? To see what she knows of your mother?"

"Is that wrong?" Arthur questioned.

"Of course not. I'd probably do the same."

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, releasing his grip on her hand as he stood. "We should get some rest. We've got a long trip ahead of us."

"Alright," she agreed.


Arthur awoke to the feel of an arm wrapped around his waist, and a head nestled into his chest. His eyes opened to see the familiar dark curls of Merlynn snuggled in close to him. He was sure that she hadn't been there when he fell asleep, but didn't mind in the slightest. While he had slept, his arms had wrapped themselves around her body.

But, the mission came to mind and he nudged the dozing girl. "Merlynn?" he muttered. "Wake up."

She made an incoherent sound and sighed contently. "Nghm..." Her eyes slowly opened and came in contact with his. Then, realization sparked and she tried to shoot up, but was held down by his arms. "Oh! Arthur. I'm so sorry - I - I must have been cold."

"No, I'm perfectly fine with this," he replied with a small, cocky grin. "But the least you could have done was ask me."

Merlynn blushed. "Sorry," she whispered.

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, then pulled her up closer so he could do the same to her lips. "Don't apologize." Arthur sighed. "As much as I do enjoy this closeness, I'm afraid we have a certain woman to see and time is wasting."

She shot up. "Oh - right. Let's go."

Arthur snorted, and stood.


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