Chapter 44

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hey guys I want to ask you something! would you mind checking out my trailer for my 'spoon fears' story :) my best friend made it :) i'll upload it at the sidebar :) ^please follow her :) hername is @Loreloves1D and please check out my story Spoon fears as well :) I love the trailer she made for me :)  NOW GO! I KNOW YOU GUYS WILL CHECK HER AND MY STORY OUT IF YA LOVE ME FOR REAL! :D

**recap Harry’s Pov**

And before I knew it I was pressed against a tree again. but this time were Emily’s cold lips on mine. And the weird thing is, I didn’t pull back, and… I think… I think…

… I think I liked it…

Harry’s Pov

The kiss didn’t last long, and as soon as she pulled away she hit me right in the stomach, me doubling over in pain. I glanced up at her, looking at her confused and angry.

“why the hell did you do that!” I whined loudly. But I didn’t get an answer, Emily was only looking at me, she seemed to be fighting herself. I growled annoyed and got up by myself.

“what the hell is going on?” I snapped at her while dusting myself off.  She still didn’t answer, she just stared out in front of her. She seemed to be thinking, but also confusion was written on her face.

“look dude! I don’t know what you are doing, or how you are doing it! But you better stop it” she suddenly snapped taking a step away from me. I raised an eyebrow.

“what do you freaking mean?! I am not doing anything! You fucking tried to kill me and kissed me out of sudden” I snapped.

A loud growl escaped from her lips. And she grabbed me by the neck, lifting me into the air.

“don’t you dare! I know what you are doing! And it’s not working!” she growled.

I tried to struggle out of her grasp but It didn’t go that well, she was way stronger as me. 

“I don’t know what you are talking about” I managed to choke out, I wasn’t able to talk properly because she was holding me by my throat.

“don’t act innocent” she growled.

“I am not! You should be the one explaining to me what is going on! Cause clearly I have NO idea!” I choked out. she dropped me.

Wow I get dropped a lot lately -_- WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE AND DROPPING ME -_-

She took a step away from me.  I straightened my back and got up as well! But seriously if anyone is about to drop me again I am NOT getting up again then. I would just stay on the ground getting comfortable.

“what’s your gift?” she asked in a monotone voice, looking straight ahead. I knotted my eyebrows.

“how did you know I was gifted?” I asked.

“just answer my question” she growled.

“tracking” I answered confused.

I am not sure, OKAY I am sure but I saw Emily tense up. Why?

“nothing else?” she asked. I shook my head ‘no’ in confusion.

“Damnit! This had got to be a joke”  she growled practically at herself.

“what has got to be a joke?” I asked. I don’t know why I am not scared that she would kill me, I really don’t know, I just feel safe and comfortable around her.


“we’re mates” she growled and she turned her back to me and sped into the woods, but into another direction as she came before.

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