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This is a new genre for me, so please support XXXX



I can't believe I didn't see that coming. I was carrying a giant stack of files, how can someone not push me down. Well, this sucks. My hand stings, one of my knee-length socks are torn and my last uniform for the week is dirty. Worst of all, the files I was helping the teacher carry are now unorganized, dusty and I'm pretty sure I heard some of the papers rip.

I decided to make a detour to the bathroom to get cleaned up and try to reorder the files before going to the teachers' lounge. Before I could take another step, I felt a strong hand grip my shoulder. Fear shot through me and clogged my throat. Was it another beating? I haven't had one of those since I told the girls who were trash-talking my parents to shut up. The hand tried to turn me around and I regained my senses and shook free, making a dash for the bathroom.

"Hey, wait" a male voice yelled after me, but I didn't stop. He grabbed my shoulders again, this time turning me around successfully and pinning me against the wall. I thrashed about, trying to escape without dropping the papers again.

"Stop, please, I just want to apologize" he sounded sincere enough, so I calmed down slightly and opened my eyes. It was a boy I didn't recognize, meaning he wasn't one of the students who tried to torment me, though I didn't let my guard down.

"I saw that guy push you down just now, but I didn't help. I'm sorry." I froze. It was the first time someone has ever apologized for not helping me. I studied him carefully. He had messy black hair that seemed a little too long for a boy and two piercings in one ear. His school clothes looked disheveled, I couldn't tell if they were like that purposefully or if they're like that because he ran after me. Everything about him seemed to scream 'delinquent' and 'danger', but his deep brown eyes were genuine.

"It’s fine, you didn't do anything, so you don't need to apologize" I replied, still eyeing him suspiciously. He realized that I wasn't about to make a run for it, so he released my shoulders and stepped back a little.

"It's not fine" he remarked, looking guilty "you got hurt. Let me see your hand." I hid my bleeding hand behind my back and shook my head.

"Come on, I know you hurt it, let me take a look" he pleaded, but I shook my head again.

"Fine then, let me walk you to wherever you're going" this guy was relentless, but I appreciated the effort.

"I'm going in the bathroom."

"Then I'll wait."


"I need to make it up to you somehow."

"Do what you want" I sighed in defeat. Since he's willing to help, I might as well go with it.

"Hold these" I said, shoving the files at him. He grinned, knowing that he won.

"I'm David, by the way" he added as I opened the bathroom door. I surveyed him again before deciding to give my own name.

"Maple," I let the bathroom door shut behind me. I'll finally have something good to tell my brother when I see him next.


I watched as Maple's green eyes looked everywhere but at me as we made our way to the teachers' lounge. She didn't speak a word and looked slightly nervous.

"Why was Chris bothering you anyway?" I asked, trying to stir up conversation, but genuinely interested as well.

"Because almost everyone does" She said quietly after a moment's thought.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "that doesn't really answer my question."

"How would I know? Why don't you ask him instead?" she retorted, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Because I'm pretty sure he's not going to talk to me for the rest of his life." I laughed. She looked a little perplexed, so I answered her unasked question.

"I was kind of mad when he did that to you," major understatement, "so I punched him in the face." I shrugged. She made a surprised expression that I just had to laugh at.

"Thanks" she mumbled, turning away, but not before I saw the tears of gratitude brimming her eyes. I left her to her thoughts till we arrived at the lounge. I knocked and entered, still carrying the files under one arm.

"Mr. Damien" said Maple, walking up to the desk of the man I recognized as the physics teacher "I have the papers you asked for" she motioned to me. I stepped forward and dumped them on his desk. His lip turned down at their state.

"Umm… I'm sorry, I tripped on the way here" she explained, I took a sharp intake of breath, why was she protecting that jerk?

"Maple, I told you to be careful with them" he said, pinching the bridge of his nose as if Maple herself was a headache.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident." She mumbled. I gritted my teeth.

"Well then, I'd like you to stay behind after school to sort them out."

"But, sir-" I started, but she cut me off.

"Yes sir." With that, she turned around and left the room. I ran after her, annoyed by her attitude.

"Why did you do that?" I asked as soon as we were out of Mr. Damien's earshot.

"Do what?" she asked innocently.

"Lie for that jerk!" I practically yelled. She twitched at the volume of my voice and I made a mental note to keep my voice down. But I was seriously starting to get pissed.

"The only way to get rid of these guys is to stand up against them." I continued, "If you're too scared to even tell a teacher, then it's never going to end." I sounded like I was lecturing her, but I actually said that out of concern and experience.

"What do you know?" she bit back, her tone slightly more than a whisper. "Thanks for your help, David, but don’t follow me anymore. I can take care of myself." As if on cue, the bell rang and she turned and made her way down the corridor.

I watched till her figure disappeared among the crowd of students that were making their way to class.  

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