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 I woke up feeling lightheaded and delirious. It took a moment for me to recollect my memories and thoughts. The ambush, the fight, and running away, it all came back to me. I had been kidnapped. It took another moment for me to realize that I was no longer blindfolded, and the rag was no longer stuffed in my mouth.

Instead, they had tied my hands behind my back. I tried to move my legs, but they were also tied together. I began to panic. I looked around. I was in what looked like an underground parking area. The lighting was weak and it threw strange shadows around the place.

I tilted my head, though it protested in pain, and saw Megan laying a few meters away. She had her back to me, so I couldn't see if she was conscious or not. I almost called for her, but stopped myself when I saw movement in the corner of my eye. It was Cyrus and his gang, there were about eight of them, and it looked like more were arriving by the second.

"Hey, look boss, the second ones up!" one of them yelled, coming towards me.

"That's good; it would have been a problem if the blow had killed her" He replied.

Megan shifted and I realized that she was awake. She turned to look at me, with a lot of effort. The fear was evident in her eyes, but as soon as she saw me, relief washed over her face.

"Maple! Are you okay?" she whispered. I nodded, which sent a shock of pain through my skull.

"Are you?" I asked and she gave me a wobbly smile which wasn't reassuring at all. 

"Enough of the chit chat you two, or else I'll put the rags back in your mouths" yelled Cyrus and we quickly shut our mouths. Anything was better than the stinky rag.

"You two are hostages, so act like it. You just have to wait for your knight in shining armor quietly," another one said and they laughed.

That could only mean David. Worry flooded me. They probably asked him to come alone. There was just too many of them. There were now about fifteen. Knowing David he would definitely come to our rescue without a thought for his own safety. Megan and I shared a nervous look.

He would definitely get hurt. We had to get out of here and contact him. Most of the Blood Hounds were distracted, chatting to each other. Even Cyrus was giving instructions to his underlings with his back to us. This was my chance. I wiggled my hands. They were bound tightly; just twisting my wrists caused the rope to chaff against them painfully.

 I remembered seeing something like this in a movie. This just wasn't something that happened to me, it always seemed to be far away, distant, something that happened to other people. I brought my knees up to my chest and stretched my arms out, reaching down as far as I could. I managed after quite a bit of struggling to slip my legs through my arms. Now my hands were in front of me. All I had to do was chew threw the rope and my hands would be free.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" someone yelled, their voice echoing through the large parking lot. I froze, the rope inches away from my mouth. Cyrus was the first to reach me. He grabbed me roughly by the collar and lifted me into the air.

"I go easy on you and this is what I get?" he barked "I remove your blindfold and the rag and the next thing I know you're making a run for it."

He punched me across the cheek and my head snapped to the side. I cried out in pain. I could taste blood in my mouth. My head was banging where I was previously injured. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Let her go!" Megan shouted, trying to get to her feet. Cyrus glared down at her, and then kicked her straight in the stomach.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" he threatened as she gasped for breath, coiling into herself.

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