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Everything was frozen. David was going to die. Just like Mother, just like Father. My body moved unconsciously, without me having to order it. I jumped forward and pushed David out of the way. Brakes screeched, but it was too late.

The impact was bone-crushing. Everything went dark. I couldn't see, but I could still feel. Everything felt painful, painful to the point where I could hardly feel it anymore. There was the distant sound of sirens. I slipped in and out of consciousness. Someone was screaming. I was moved, it was painful.

I opened my eyes, or perhaps I didn't. Everything was still dark, so I couldn't tell. I was tired. Everything hurt. I didn't want to feel it anymore. Then there was light. Someone was screaming my name, but their voice slipped away. The light was warm. It made everything stop hurting. There was somebody there.

It was Mom and Dad. They were smiling. They didn't blame me. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, just before I completely slipped away, I knew that I was dying.There was light, and then there was nothing.


I was in the ambulance with Maple. It was ironic that we were still rushing to the hospital, but for a completely different reason. I was holding her hand. I was scared. She got hit because I was too slow to move. I closed my eyes tightly and hoped with all I've got that she'd be fine.

My phone rang. I didn't feel like talking to anyone, but it was Max, so I picked up.

"Dude, where are you?" he asked. "I'm waiting at the intersection but…what's all that noise?"

"Max, Maple was hit by a car. We're on our way to the hospital in an ambulance, you should go-"

"What!? Is she ok? What happened?"

"I don't know, just meet us at the hospital" I closed the phone before he could say anything else. She was going to be fine, she had to be fine. The doctors will save her.

Suddenly, the paramedics were frantic. They were in a rush, saying things I didn't understand. The beeping and the whirring of the machines grew louder and more frenzied.

"What's going on?" I asked frantically. None of them stopped to answer, but that was ok, I already knew the answer. I just didn't want to think about it. "Maple!" I yelled her name again and again as if that would bring her back. Tears were coming down my cheeks in waterfalls.

"Don't die, Maple, please!" I yelled through sobs, but it was too late. The beeping came to a slow, dull, stop. The paramedics took off their masks. One of them came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"Time of death 2:56 pm" the other stated.

I gripped her hand tighter, shaking my head furiously.

"No! Maple!"

"I'm sorry, son" the paramedics said, trying to calm me down. I was crying so hard I couldn't see anymore. The ambulance came to a stop as we arrived at the hospital. The doors opened and they rolled Maple out. They had to drag me away from her because I was slowing them down.

I cried until I had a headache and I could scream no more. Max and Meggs came and they were crying, too. Dr. Lisa rushed out as soon as she saw Maple with a cloth over her face. The nurses came and tried to calm us down, but nothing worked. I called my mom when I calmed down slightly. She sounded distressed.

It was all my fault, that was all I could think. Maple was dead, and it was all my fault. Hours later, her grandma arrived, along with a middle-aged man I assumed was her uncle. They were crying. Our parents came and dragged us home.

For the next two days, I stayed in my room, hardly moving. Mom brought the food up to my room, but I could hardly eat anything, everything was tasteless. I knew that Maple wouldn't blame me, she was too nice for that. But that didn't stop me from blaming myself. It didn't stop the scene replaying in my mind again and again.

On the third day, Mother came in looking stern.

"That's enough," she said. "I know you're mourning, and I know it hurts, I mean, the pain from your father's death still seems to be fresh in my heart, but you have to eat."

"I don't want to," my voice cracked. I knew I was a mess, my eyes were red, I had lost weight, my hair was uncombed and I hadn't had a proper shower since the accident.

"Ok, I'm not going to pretend I knew Maple, but I do know that her parents passed in a car crash. She lost her parents, but she pulled herself together. She went to school, she worked, she took care of her brother. What do you think she'll say if she sees you right now?"

"But she can't see me Mom!" I yelled, "I can never see her again!"

My mother reached over and hugged me.

"I know, honey, but you have to pull yourself together, if not for me, then for her. Please."

I sighed resignedly and nodded. My mind was foggy as I moved. I took a shower, combed my hair and ate a tasteless breakfast. Maple's funeral was today. At first, I thought I wouldn't be able to go, but now I decided to go, for Maple.

Perhaps that would make some of the pain go away.

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