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We watched 'The Hunger Games' and I cried twice. My popcorn finished before the action began and I was desperate for the bathroom at the climax, when they were about to commit double suicide. Max, on the other hand, laughed at everything, including the parts that were not meant to be funny, much to the annoyance of the rest of the audience.

All in all, it was a great experience. I hadn't let loose and done something just for fun since my parents passed. I didn't even go to the school trip last year, instead deciding to work a double shift at Ray's. I came out of the room smiling, but David gave an unsatisfied frown.

"How could that be called an ending?" he asked no one in particular.

"It totally is an ending!" cried Megan as we made our way through the crowd.

"No it's not" argued Max "I mean, they're still oppressed and the Mayor is still alive. The same thing is just going to happen the next year!"

"No! This is only the movie from the first book! The mayor dies in the third, Katniss kills him!" She huffs indignantly.

"Wait? This is a book?" Max says in surprise and we all turn to look at him as if he's crazy.

"Dude, even I knew it was a book, and I don't read!" David says with a shake of his head "Anyway, that's not what I meant. What I was referring to was right at the end, when she says 'we try to forget', that is not a good thing to do at all."

"What do you mean?" asked a confused Megan as we stepped out into the parking lot.

"Well, when someone dies, especially if you somehow feel responsible, you don't just forget about them, you live on while remembering them."

"You seem awfully well informed" she remarked, raising single eyebrow.

"Yeah, well, I remember every person I've ever fought with, win or loss." He explained "Though it's not really on the same level as killing them, I think it's the same concept."

"I get it, like honoring their memory, right?" I spoke for the first time and they all turned to look at me.

"Hmm, I guess you're right" Megan finally admitted "but it doesn't change the fact that this was one of the greatest movies ever made."

"Oh, guys! I know a great place to eat near here, why don't we all go for dinner?" Max cut in, changing the subject entirely.

"I'm in" Megan said "what about you guys?"

I knew that David would probably want to go, but he'd  still take me home if I said no. I wouldn't want to stand in the way of his fun.

"I'll go" I said finally and David grinned, his black hair falling over his eyes.

"It's decided then! Max, lead the way." he said.

"It's not far, I don't think we should even take our cars. We'll just come back here when we're done." He said, leading us out of the car park. The three of us exchanged worried glances before rushing after him.

Cars zoomed past us on the street and their headlights blinded me momentarily if I stared right at them. Above me, the moon was completely full and the few stars that could be seen through the city lights were shining like diamonds.

Ten minutes and many twists and turns later, we all regretted ever following Max because we were completely and utterly lost.

"Remind me why I trusted this blockhead again?" wondered Megan, rolling her hazel green eyes in Max's general direction.

"I could have sworn it was somewhere around here!" he pouted.

"Yeah, sure, that's what you've been saying for the past five minutes!" argued David, his voice irritated.

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