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A week later, I was seeing Uncle Tim and grandma off from my apartment. They had stayed in a hotel not far from here, but we still saw little of each other in the week that they were here. Even though it was because I was studying for exams, which started the very next day, I still felt guilty for not spending more time with them. I did get to eat Grandma's cooking again, which was good.

"I'm sorry, really, I should have shown you around town or something" I said for the millionth time.

"Don't stress, Maple" Uncle Tim said nonchalantly as he got into the driver's seat. "Good luck with your exams."


"And Maple," grandma called from the passenger seat, her window down, "don't forget that you promised to start up piano again!"

"I won't," I agreed, "right after the holidays".

"And eat well, and don't forget to call, and don't work yourself too hard. Remember-"

"That's enough Mom, she's been living alone for almost half a year now, she can take care of herself" Uncle Tim cut her off.

I missed having a family, and it felt great to have them back. I waved farewell as they pulled out of the driveway, and kept waving until they were out of sight. I turned and climbed up the stairs to my apartment. I wasn't exceptionally worried for exams, although I did have to meet a quota to keep my scholarship.

I made a snack to eat while studying, but instead of going back to my books straight away, I went to my bedside table and pulled out my diary. I wrote to Alex, telling him how grandma and I had made up and I how I realized that I was the only one blaming me for the accident. I signed off the way I usually do, asking him to forgive me and promising to be there for him now that our parents are gone.

After I put the notebook back in the drawer, I held up the family picture that was on the bedside table.

"Mom, Dad, wish me luck!" I said to their photo, before placing it back down on the table. Now, I thought, back to my last minute studying.   


I walked into school on the first morning of exams. I was worried for exams, but I was excited to see my friends again. I hadn't met them in a while, since we were all busy studying. I found Max first, waiting outside the exam hall.

"Hey Max, you're early!"

"Hey! Are you prepared?"

"I guess, but I'm still nervous"

"I just want to get it over with." He sighed, running a hand through his light blonde hair.

"Me too," I agreed. "We still have time before the exam starts, want to go find the girls?"


We walked down the hall in search of Meggs and Maple. We found Meggs by the second exam hall, she had French first. After our greetings, we set off to find Maple.

"She walks to school, doesn't she?" Meggs wondered.

"Yeah" I confirmed.

"Maybe she hasn't arrived yet," Max reasoned.

"Let's wait by the gates," Meggs stated.

On our way to the school's front gates, I saw Maple down the hall.

"There she is!" Max said. The hallway was relatively crowded, and it seemed like she hadn't seen us yet. Just when I was about to yell for her, three girls from our grade came up from behind her. One of them put their leg in front of her and she tripped. The other two girls laughed and said something before the three of them walked past her.

I pushed my way forward through the crowd and blocked their path. I recognized one of them as Miranda, the girl from English who had stepped on Maple's hand not long ago.

"Move!" she ordered as she tried to dodge past me, but Max and Meggs stood in her way.

"What do you want?" one of the other girls asked, obviously irritated.

"I think you forget to apologize to Maple" I said. The three of them laughed haughtily.

"It's fine David," Maple said, getting up and picking up her bag. "They're not worth our time."

"What did you say?" one of the blondes screeched.

"Oh, I wasn't aware that you're deaf as well as stupid," Meggs joked, moving over to Maple's side.

"Excuse me!" Miranda demanded, "The one not worthy is this pauper who can't even afford to wear makeup."

"Yeah, why doesn't she just go to the dump where she belongs" her friend agreed, laughing.

"That's enough" I said, my anger rising. "I think you remember what I did to Chris when he kept bothering Maple, so why don't you step off?"

"What? It makes you feel good protecting the poor? Are you activists now or something?" Miranda said, scrunching her nose as if there was a bad smell.

"I think you're confused about something, Barbie" Max replied, "We're protecting Maple because she's our friend, and we'd go to the ends of the earth for her."

"Yeah, whatever" one of her friends retorted "you losers stick together, just let us pass."

"We'll all be late for our first exam, so why don't you move?" Miranda commanded, making to break through our wall. I shifted slightly to stand in her way.

"Ugh, what do you want?"

"If you promise not to bother Maple again, I'll move" I compromised.

"Yeah, ok, whatever, just move" Miranda said impatiently.

I bent down so that our faces were inches apart and gave her my most intimidating look.

"I would stick to my word if I were you," I advised, "or things are going to get ugly."

Then I stood to my full height and stepped out of her way. Her and her friends hesitated for a second before sprinting away as fast as their high-heels could carry them.

"I almost thought that this problem was solved" I confessed.

"It has gotten much better" Maple assured, "Thanks to you guys."

"Don't sweat it. Now we better go or we'll be late" Max said.

We walked Meggs over to her exam room first before walking Maple over to hers.

"Good luck guys!" she said before entering the room.

"Let's get this over with" Max grumbled when we arrived to our exam room.

"You'll do fine" I assured him.

"No, I won't, and we both know it."

"Just think of the prize," I said as we entered the room, "winter break."

"Christmas!" he said, already much more cheerful.

"Yeah, that too" I agreed.

We found our seats and waited impatiently for the test to begin.          

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