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This is the longest one yet! Enjoy!



I haven't been this happy since I started high school. Nothing could lower my spirits. I knew that Miranda was now out to get me because I slapped her, but it didn't bug me anymore. I had friends now, and a teacher that I could talk to. I had David. As I walked out the school gates I decided that I would visit my brother after work, to inform him of my good news.

It was that time between autumn and winter, when the weather couldn't decide if it wanted to be warm or cold. I walked towards the city, where my part time job was. I worked four out of five school days, excluding Friday, as well as Sunday. My shifts were usually between four and seven, though sometimes I'd be asked to take over someone else's shift because they were busy for whatever reason.

A twig snapped behind me and I turned more out of curiosity then fear. There was a man that I faintly recognized. He looked dark, almost menacing. Like someone you'd find living in a box in the subway or selling drugs to children. His clothes were ragged and he wore too many layers for the nice weather. I was immediately suspicious and quickened my pace. After a moment's thought I realized who he was. He had caused trouble at the store where I worked a while back because he'd come in everyday and never buy anything. He put off some of the other customers who actually bought stuff, so the boss eventually asked him not to come back.

And now he was following me down the sidewalk. Creepy. I tried to calm myself; maybe we were just walking in the same direction? But before I knew it I was full out running. I finally saw the sign that read Ray's and sighed in relief. I looked behind me as I entered the store and was glad to see that I had lost him.

Ray's was a cross between a convenience store and an office supply store. It had everything you may need for school, or for your office, as well as food and simple house supplies. I don't know if it was Mr. or Mrs. Ray who thought of that, but because of it business was booming. I walked past the magazine stall to the counter. Mrs. Ray was taking care of a customer, but still managed to smile when she saw me coming.

Mrs. Ray was a small woman with brown hair and eyes. She had an aura that screamed 'caring' and 'affectionate' and she literally would not hurt a fly. Her husband, who was nowhere in sight, was quite the opposite. He was big framed and a man of few words. His black hair and dark eyes that seemed to see through anything made him look slightly scary. But appearances could be deceiving. In my experience, the burly man was even softer than his wife. Anyone who met the two of them would properly love them.

"Hello there Maple" Mrs. Ray said warmly as she finished with the customer.

"Hey!" I smiled back. Mrs. Ray was the only person who could remind me so much of my mother. She's one of the kindest people I know and allowed me to work here even though she didn't know my circumstances. She eventually found out, in some round-about way, and she was only more affectionate towards me.  

"You're here early" she noticed, moving out from behind the cashier so I could take her place.

"Yeah, I ran." She immediately picked up that something was wrong.

"What happened?" she asked, concerned. The old me would have pushed her away, made up some sort of lie. But I'm a changed person.

"Do you remember the man who caused a ruckus here a few weeks ago, the one who would always come but never buy anything?" she immediately nodded and I continued "I saw him before I got here, and I'm pretty sure he recognized me. I ran here because I was afraid that he was following me".

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