Chapter 1

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Hey, guys! So, yes. This is the 3rd and FINAL book of the Love Me Not? Series. I will be posting the book on Wednesdays. "But, M12, today is not Wednesday." Yes, I know it isn't. I was supposed to post it on the 29th, but forgot. My boyfriend reminded me today, so I decided to post the first chapter today and the second one will come out on the 6th.

Hope you enjoy the book! And thank you for reading the series.




"You ready?" I nodded and stared down at the ground below us. "Remember, you can't back out now."

"I know." I squinted my eyes a bit, testing the distance and judging when the best time to adjust myself would be.

"A lot is at stake."

I rolled my eyes. "I know."

"Remember what we have to do?" Okay, now this is getting annoying. "We have to-"

"Kester, I know." I glared at him. "We have to jump off the roof, shift once we get on the ground, then run to the forest. The first one to the clearing wins bragging rights, and must be the other's slave for a week."

He nodded. "Just so you know what's going on." I scoffed at him and looked back to the ground. My mom would absolutely kill me if she knew I was about to jump off the roof of the pack house with Kester. I mean, it's not that far from the ground; only three stories high.

"Ready?" I nodded once more. "One... two... three!" We leaped off the roof feet first. The wind swirled around us, throwing our clothes and hair in a wild mess. I lightly shut my eyes, then opened them just in time to adjust my body and roll with the fall. The second I hit the ground, without hurting myself, I sprang up and shifted into my ash colored Wolf and took off towards the clearing.

My ear twitched back at the sound of Kester quickly gaining on me. I picked up my speed, allowing the momentum of the fall to propel me forward. It felt like my feet were barely touching the ground with every stride I took. I chuckled to myself when I heard Kester falling behind, as well as his whine of protest.

The trees parted and I slid to a stop in the clearing, taking a deep breath of the scent of victory. I danced around in a circle and yipped happily when Kester joined me in the clearing.

"I beat you!" I linked to him. "I'm the fastest and better than you!" I wagged my tail and lowered my front half to the ground, taunting him. "My first order of decree is for you to bring me a sandwich! It must have hickory smoked ham, melted swiss cheese, and be on toasted wheat bread!"

Kester grumbled at me. "Whatever..."

"Awe!" I teased him. "Someone's a sore loser! I won fair and square! Now you must hold up your end of the deal!"

"Man..." He turned and trudged back towards the pack house. I followed behind him with a skip in my steps. I held my head high and proud at my victory, while Kester was slumped over. I think I hurt his ego!

We found the baskets filled with clothes, picked some out, and went to change behind the trees. Once dressed, we stepped out of the forest, only to freeze in place.


We're in for it now... My Wolf, Anna, muttered as she whimpered.

There stood our dads, arms crossed, and angered faces.

"You move first..." I elbowed Kester.

"Hell no!" He hissed back. "I don't wanna die! You go first!"

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