Chapter 36

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"Are we ready to go?" Gaven asked our group. We all nodded. "Good. Then let's go." We all headed for the gate that Soran provided the jet for. Kester cracked his knuckles beside me, eager to kick ass.

From what he told me, everything went very well with him and Kathrine. Apparently she already knew. She saw one of the older pups shift a while back but was too shy and afraid to say anything.

She accepted him completely. He's now fighting for her.

I shook my head to focus and took my seat. Once we were all settled, the jet began its departure. I sat on Gaven's right side while Kester took his left. We sat at the very front of the jet, our eyes determined and serious. We knew it was going to be easy, but we all agreed that we had to be just as aggressive as Soran's pack when he came to help us. Hell, we might even have to be even more ferocious.

It's not every day we get to go to war and fight a pack.

No one spoke a word the entire trip. We were all instead linking to each other different strategies and who would fall where. Since I had been at Soran's before and knew the layout, I was the one calling most of the shots.

Upon arrival, we exited the jet and found Soran waiting for us with several large jeeps. We split up, Gaven, Kester, and I with Soran.

We got in and Soran began driving. "Thank you all for coming."

"You helped us, we'll help you." Was all Gaven said. "That's how allies work. Emma has already helped us determine where the lines of defense should be set on our side. When we get to your pack, we'll set up more formal points with your fighters."

"How many have you brought?" Soran asked.

"We brought one hundred-fifty fighters." Gaven replied.

Soran slowly nodded. "These are just from your pack alone?"

"Yes," Gaven nodded. "The others should be arriving within the hour. With the other three packs, we'll have added an additional three hundred to your number."

"Good." We fell into silence after Soran's comment.

At the pack house, there were men and woman bustling around, preparing for the attack. Once they sensed that Soran was back, they all stopped and headed inside, most likely to the auditorium.

"Have your fighters take seats with my warriors." Soran stated as we got out of the car. "When the others arrive, I'll have one of my men escort them over." Soran lead us to the auditorium.

"You and Emma will be at my side on the stage." Gaven and I nodded and we headed off behind the stage with him.

I peaked around the corner and saw the room filling with people. I found our section of warriors. They looked so small compared to the amount that kept piling in for Soran. I hope the pack doesn't think so lowly of us and expect us to not be able to fight well.

I thought back to when I spoke with Rorie before we left. He would have joined, but he and most of his men decided to stay behind. Apparently Nyl had asked them to stay to help monitor some Rogue activity near the southern border. Plus, with most of our top fighters gone, there wouldn't be enough people to protect the pack.

The doors on the side opened and the rest of the fighters from our state joined us. Soran moved behind me and the three of us took the stage. Instantly, the room fell silent, something I still wasn't quite used to.

"Thank you all for joining us here tonight." Soran called out. "And I welcome our allies from our bordering state. As we all know, Katie is the one behind this attack. She wants revenge for what we did to her. And of fucking course, we gave her to the pack that happened to be where her mate was, the Alpha." Awkward tension filled the air.

"But that doesn't matter." He continued. "We've been having issues with this pack before, how they've tried to take us over before." Wait, what?

"But that ends now." Soran began to pace the stage. "All of the lesser packs have joined together in a revolution. If we can manage to defeat the Alphas, then we will have this victory in the bag. The packs will have no one to fall to and they will crumble. It's time we no longer have lesser packs under our control."

What the fuck?! He's going to destroy those packs just because of some stupid bitch?!

"Soran, no!" He quickly turned to face me, shocked I actually spoke out against him. "We can't do that! Do you understand what's that going to do for all of them?! Do you know how many Rogues are going to suddenly form? You're going to destroy these packs just because of one stupid bitch playing the 'woe is me' card? I won't stand for this! There has to be another way!"

"There is no other way." He strode over to me and stopped a few paces back. "If we don't do this, they'll just keep coming back over and over."

"How do you know this?" I demanded.

"Because we've already had this issue!" He shouted. "We've had to deal with this a few times now and no matter what we do, if we don't wipe the pack out, they keep coming back and fucking us over! We've been through twenty lesser packs now and I am sick and tired of them taking advantage of my resources to help them try and overthrow this pack! I say enough is enough!"

I was stunned. I'd never heard of lesser packs trying to go against the lead pack. I glanced around at our warriors, seeing the faces of those we brought from our lesser packs. They, too, were not able to comprehend the fact that this was happening.

I focused back to Soran. "Have you stopped to think that maybe the other packs were forced into this?" He blinked slowly. "Have you ever had issues with the others?"

He took a step back. "No, the others never raised a finger against us."

"So I suggest we send a few men over to the other lesser packs and get them to stand down." I said calmly. "If we do it that way, they'll realize that we have no intention of harming the ones that are grateful for your kindness. That way, we're only getting the problem pack out of the way."

"You have a point." Soran sighed and rubbed a hand down his cheek. "Alright, we'll do it that way. I need four groups of three to the lesser packs now." Instantly they all left on their own.

"Now," Soran gestured off to the side stage. A switch was flicked and a large screen unrolled and a projector turned on. "This is a map of our land. If what Emma is saying is true, then we will have less Wolves to deal with. They'll be stretched thin, and we predict they'll hit here, here, and here." Red outlines lit up where he pointed to.

"But, if they still decide to fight, we'll have to deal with this," Green outlines lit up all around the border of the pack land. "With all the warriors we have now, we will be able to effectively cover all of this. We will outmatch them perfectly." Soft cries of excitement sounded around the room.

"Alpha Gaven," Soran addressed him. "Where will you have your men stationed?"

Gaven took the laser pointed from him. "I will have my pack on the western front, going with the assumption that all packs decide to attack. The other three will take the other areas and assist your men wherever they can. I can assure you they will fight to the death with your men."

"Very good." Soran nodded and took the pointer back. "If the other packs don't join in this fight, I want all warriors to spread out alone these three main points. No gaps and no Wolves are to get any farther than our gates. If they do, it will be on your heads." Silence.


"Alpha!" The doors suddenly burst open. "We're being ambushed! They're all attacking from the north western front! They're sending in everyone all at once!"

"Move!" Soran waved his hand above his head. "Everyone move! There's no time! On your feet and go, go, GO!" We all shot out of the auditorium at once, taking the various exits.

I don't understand. Soran had said they were planning their attack for the early morning when he was briefing us. He was wrong. They waited for our guards to be lowered and attacked while we were in our briefing.

I growled and was soon taking the lead with Soran. He glanced down at me but never said a word. I knew what it meant though.

There was no going back. Kill them all.

Destroy all the lesser packs.

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