Chapter 26

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I'm updating a bit early to make up for all the times I was late posting a chapter. Here ya go!



"I promise everything is going good." I said into my phone as I rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"Has Soran done anything to you?" The person on the other end asked.

"No, nothing's happened. He's just made sure I eat and get exercise." My god, this is a terrible headache...

"He hasn't... touched you in an inappropriate way, has he?"

"No, he hasn't," I assured them as I sat back against the pillows.

"You're absolutely positive you don't need me to be out there with you?"

"Orien, I promise I don't need you to come out here." I smiled. He worries about me more than dad and mom do combined.

"I just want to make sure my sister is okay." I could hear the pout.

"Trust me, everything is fine." I stared up at the ceiling. "The treatment is taking longer than what we thought. I promise I'll be home next month, okay? You can wait that long, right?"

"No..." His pout is so cute. "I want you back now."

"I know, I want to go home, too." I sat up and held the side of my head. "But I promise the time will fly quickly. Hey, I have to go, okay? Tell everyone I miss them."

"Okay, Emma..." He sighed. "I love you."

"I love you, too." With that, we hung up.

Oh my god, my head is killing me... I rubbed the sides of my head and groaned.

"The doctor says the headaches are being caused because your Wolf is trying to surface again and fix the connection with the pack." I glanced up to see Soran standing at the door.

"Well, can't she be a bit more gentle?" I huffed and covered my eyes. "These headaches are starting to upset my stomach, and I've already puked three times today because of these damn pills! How many days do I have left?"

I heard the pills rattle in their container. "Four. You have four left, then you have to be here until next month, then the doc will decide if you need more, depending on how your results look."

I sighed to myself and slowly opened my eyes. "It's gonna hurt when I shift; I just know it."

"Just take it slow, alright?" I rolled my eyes and instantly regretted it. "There's no need for you to push yourself."

"But I feel so useless!" I winced when I accidentally hit my head. "I want to do something and not be stuck in bed. I wanna get up and move. You know what? I will get up!"

"Emma, wait!"

"And, down..." My body fell limp and I hit the floor hard.

"Emma. Emma, please. Please wake up!"

I groaned. "Stop yelling... You're hurting my head."

"Emma, what the hell!" I hissed as the pain shot through my head. "Don't ever try to get out of bed again!" I felt myself being placed on something soft.

"What happened?" I asked as I held my head and sat up.

"You went to get out of bed, got a head rush, then passed out for about two minutes." Soran explained as he covered me with blankets. "You scared the shit out of me."

My stomach suddenly flipped. "Bucket."


"Bucket!" "Oh!" And there's round four of me throwing up.

Not Even In Your Dreams, Alpha (III)Where stories live. Discover now