Chapter 27

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"Look out!" Alazara screamed. I quickly spun around to see Katie, completely naked, may I add, swing a huge branch at Emma. It cracked her across her head, instantly knocking her to the ground. My body froze and ran cold as blood spewed from her lips.

"I will be Luna!" Katie panted, a mad look in her eyes. "I won't let someone like you stand in my way!"

Heat and rage filled my body. "Get her!" My Wolf and I ordered at the same time. Katie looked up, fear replacing her insane look as my warriors came out of no where. She turned, shifted, and ran.

She wasn't fast enough. She didn't even get two strides from her current place before she was tackled and restrained by the warriors. I paced over to Emma and carefully turned her over to sit her up. Blood and vomit ran steadily from her mouth. I sat her up more and turned her so it would flow out and not block her airways.

"Get her out of my sight." My warriors nodded. "I will speak with her later. Someone get the doctor! It's okay, Emma. You're going to be okay." I removed my shirt and ripped the sleeve off to use as a rag to try and clear her mouth and throat from the blood. When I tried to clear her throat, her body heaved and more vomit came up. At least there's less blood this time.

"What happened?!" The doctor collapsed in front of me, his pants instantly getting stained by Emma's bodily fluids.

"Katie," I said. "Her and Emma fought. Emma won and Katie seemed to go crazy. Apparently she ran off after the fight, broke a branch off a tree, and cracked Emma upside her head. She instantly puked up blood and vomit. I... I don't know what to do." A river of tears began to run down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them.

"Have you been trying to clear her airway?" The doctor asked as he opened his bag.

I nodded. "Yeah... yeah, I have. When I tried to clear her throat, she puked again, but there was less blood in it than the first time."

He nodded and listened to her heart. "Her heart and breathing are normal, meaning she's stable. Let's get her to an operating room. I need to get a better look at her." I stood with Emma in my arms and carried her after the doctor. I made sure to keep her head elevated in case more vomit came back up so she wouldn't choke on it.

As we walked, people stopped and stared in horror at the sight. No doubt the events of today have already spread like wildfire. No doubt people are going to be waiting for Emma outside the operating room. And no doubt people are going to want justice for what Katie did to their Luna.

When the doctor and I got to the room, people were already swarming the place. A few women gasped as men turned them away from the sight.

"Alright, everyone move!" I barked out and they quickly made a path for us.

"Set her there," The doctor said as he shut the door. "And I'm going to need you to leave the room as well. I'm sorry, Soran, but I need to look at her in private and make sure everything is alright with her."

I went to protest but the look he gave me had me shutting my mouth. "Please keep me updated."

"I promise." With that, I left the room with a heavy heart. I shut the door behind me and leaned against it. I slowly lifted my gaze to see the concerned looks everyone was giving me.

I swallowed hard and straightened up. "As you all already know, Emma was injured after Katie lost a fight with her.  For those who don't know, you will soon. From what I gathered, Katie greatly insulted Emma and she went after Katie. They fought outside in the back and Emma won. Katie seemed to go insane and cracked Emma upside her head with a large branch."

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