Chapter 30

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Guys, I am sooooooooo sorry for taking so long to update! I recently changed jobs and I have been working so many hours, it's ridiculous. I don't get home until after 11 and by that time, I just want to sleep.


In any case, I finally got the chapter up for you. The next chapter isn't ready yet and it will be a while until I can get it written up and posted. Until then, I will be putting this story (unofficially) ON HOLD. Hopefully I can get some more of this written on my crappy laptop. I don't know why, but it only wants to stay connected to the internet for about 15 minutes before it disconnects, and the only way to get it to reconnected is to shut my laptop off and turn it back on. I hate it...

Anyway, on with the chapter!





I... hate... school work... I hate school. I hate going back to school after not knowing what the hell was going on. I hate the mountain of work that my mom received for me and the fact that I still have tests and quizzes to make up on top of everything else.

This... sucks...

"Done..." I placed my pencil on the last paper for the last class of the day and laid my head on the table. My eyes burned and I had a royal headache. My hand is throbbing and it feels dead. I never want to do anything like that again... I swear I will never get kidnapped again so long as my life depends on it. I will prevent this from happening!

A hand rubbed my shoulders. "Just so you know, there's a test on what you just studied and did work for..."

I slowly sat up and glared at Gaven. "I swear to fucking god if you're joking I will kill you a million different ways and make it to where you will never know what it's like to be reborn. I will condemn you to an ever living hell."

"I'm not joking!" He raised his hands in defense. "There is a test! Though, since you did just get back and all, you might not have to take it. Just explain what went on and you should be able to sit it out."

"You better hope you're right." I growled. "Otherwise it's your pelt I'll hang on my wall." He gulped and moved away from me.

With a heavy sigh I gave a soft apology and looked over to Soran's table, finding it empty. He hasn't returned, and I hope he doesn't, even though he said he would after a while. I'm not ready to see him for the rest of my high school career.

As I stared at the empty table, my mind wandered. Will he actually stay until graduation? He can't leave his pack for that long. Going back during the breaks wouldn't be enough. Sure, he's not Alpha yet, but he has the title and he needs to be there for the transition to go smoothly when the time comes.

I slowly shook my head and started to put my things away before the bell to end lunch rang. I bet he has a mountain of homework to do, too. He most likely will if slash when he ever gets back. If he does come back, though, I have to tell him my thoughts. I have to let him know that he can't be away from his pack for two years. That will seriously hurt them and the transition will not go smoothly.

He has to be there for them. He can't sit around and wait for me. He has to stay with his pack and be there to help them in anyway he can so things will go according to plan.

Maybe if he stays away, the Connection will begin to fade. I smiled a bit as the bell rang and we started heading for class. If the Connection fades, I won't have to go with him! He could find a new mate, one that he can shower with love and run the pack with and-

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