Ch3: Girl Talks and New Friends

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I shook my head slightly, slowly closing my mouth while staring at the firmly closed, white door. Just a few moments ago the perkiest little girl I had ever met slammed that heavy, white door behind her after telling me the strangest line I had ever heard before.

I couldn't quite comprehend what had just gone on. Everything seemed to go by in a blur. What did Poppy mean by what she said? I pursed my lips, a frown growing between my eyebrows. It was such a strange encounter. And what was with Grayson's mood swings? I heard a light sigh behind me as I was hugged firmly around my crossed arms. My aunt Tessa rested her head on top of mine as we continued to stare at the door. " What a strange family." I spoke my accusations.

Aunt Tessa sighed once more before saying, "Claire and Grayson have always been... Eccentric." We both laughed a little at that. I was assuming that this encounter was only the tip of the iceberg. I looked over to my Aunt Tess, both of us wearing an easy smile.

"What makes you say that? The random outbursts or the storming out of the house?" I replied sarcastically while Aunt Tess playfully hit my arm. I loved my Aunt Tess so much!

"Hey, they are still my friends! No talking bad about them!" She said with her hands on her hips trying her hardest to give me a stern look. I laughed after that, shaking my head and wiping away imaginary tears.

"You have some crazy friends, Aunt Tessa!" We both laughed while making our way to clean up the dinner mess in the dining room. Aunt Tessa shook her head, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Yeah, but not as crazy as we are, Belle!" We continued this way until our chores were done and we were sitting on the couch with Zeus on our laps. We sat there in a blissful and calm silence. Simple moments like these are what made life worth living, for me. I was tempted to let it keep on, but my temptation of getting answers was greater.

"Aunt Tessa." I spoke quietly, afraid to break the peace of the moment. She looked up, her eyes slightly glazed over before she came back into reality and gave me a large warm smile.

"Yes, Hun?" She spoke warmly, her own voice smooth like honey. Aunt Tessa often had moments like those, where her eyes would glaze over. I always wondered what she thought about in those particular times. I rubbed Zeus gray coat while scratching behind his ears.

"Why did Claire say we were all family here, and..." I swallowed nervously, "Why did Grayson go coo coo for Cocoa Puffs when I asked about wolves?" I looked up to see Aunt Tessa's lip in a thin line. She nodded her head in understanding while adjusting herself in the couch.

"As for Claire, your mother and I grew up with her. Attached to the hips, inseparable. The three of us were practically sisters. We loved her very much, if you were to call her Aunt she would probably fall over from happiness!" Aunt Tessa let out a quick, short laugh. Her eyes twinkled with the recalling of sweet memories but tinged with a bitter reminder of reality. "She was the one who helped me with your mother's death." The tinge of sadness grew deeper as a stretched my arm out to console my Aunt. She looked back up, a small, sad smile spread across her lips. "As for Grayson, his brother died from a wolf attack a long time ago. Grayson can be quite sensitive about the subject of wolves."

I now understood his outburst. It would be a complete understatement to say that I didn't feel guilty about bringing it up. "Oh." I whispered quietly, guilt gripping my chest and making my shoulders slump. I chewed my lip nervously as I tried to keep my regret at bay. You didn't know, Belle. No one can blame you for that. I knew that little voice was true, but I couldn't help my guilt.

"Hey, it's okay. You didn't know, Hun. I'm sure he's not too upset about it, anyway. It's been a long time since the attack and you did help with finding that lone wolf! Those can be dangerous in this area." Aunt Tessa spoke soothingly. She knew him better than I did, so I decided to take her advice. I nodded my head slightly in comprehension and gave her a quick one-sided smile. She gave me a warm one in reply. "Besides, even if he was upset, I'm sure if you cooked up one of your famous Apple Pies he'd forgive you in a heartbeat!" We both laughed at her attempts of trying to get me to make her favorite dessert. " A girl can try, can't she?"

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