Ch4: Mr. Grumpy Pants Makes A Friend

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"Belle, wake up! It's your first day at WaterCrest High!" A voice yelled as I mumbled incoherent nothing's, wiping the slobber from my chin.

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!! The annoying beeping ceased as I ripped my alarm clock from the wall and chucked it across the room. Satisfied with the loud crash that sounded the break of the blasted thing, I settled back into bed to fall swiftly asleep. That is until Zeus jumped on my stomach. "OOF!" I breathlessly wailed, trying to get the giant dog off me. "No, boy! GET OFF, YOU BIG OAF!" I sat up in my bed, my hair static-y and sweaty at the same time.

"Belle, get up- Oh, you might want to take a shower." Aunt Tessa said while trying to hide her giggles behind her hand as I gave her the worst and nastiest look I could muster. I was no morning person. Aunt Tess took that as her cue to leave as she mumbled "Just suggesting! Yeesh, Mr. Grumpy Pants!"

I looked over to my horse-of-a-dog and gave him the same look as Aunt Tessa. He wagged his tail happily while barking as if to laugh at me. I pointed my finger at him in accusation, "Shut up, Butthead Traitor Face!" I grumbled grouchily, stumbling out of bed and instantly regretting it due to the throbbing and aching in my feet.

My bare feet padded across the cool cherrywood stained floor to the bathroom next door. I turned on the water, knowing it would take a bit of time to warm up, and stripped my clothes. As I took off my t-shirt and shorts, I looked up in the mirror and grumbled. This should be Halloween costume, we could scare the crap out of small children! I mentally slapped myself while rolling my eyes. Shut up! I shook my head. Sorry, it's just funny and true.

Yes, I'm aware I talk to myself. What can I say? I'm an interesting person. I stepped into the bath, pulling on the lever and making the shower head groan until releasing hot, soothing water. "Aahhhh." A shower always made me feel better.

As I washed my hair out with my coconut scented shampoo, I began to think of recent events. Like the dream that kept me up half of the night. I held my hair back, washing the shampoo out and quickly putting the smooth, white conditioner in. While running my fingers through my hair, I pondered of my dream last night. It was strange, and much like the dream of the night previous.

I was running through the forest, but this time, it was a different wolf. It was scrawny, it's eyes red like blood and its coat an ugly, ghastly grey color. It bared it's teeth at me and lunged, but I was saved by a blondish brown wolf in the nick of time. They fought, biting and gnashing, I called out to the blonde wolf, a voice sounded through my mind. "Run, Girl! Run like Hell!" It was the wolf I saw in the forest, it had defended me... And spoke to me! I ran like a sinner from church, my heart pounded and I felt oddly numb. That's when woke up, gasping for air and clawing at my chest.

It was a strange dream, but I lightly brushed it off. It's all those dang Werewolf fiction books I've been reading lately. I laughed to myself, rinsing myself from my body wash and turning the water off. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the warm, soft towel around my body. Maybe it's not just the books, maybe it's something else, too... I banished the absurd thought quickly. Of course, that's all it was, my common sense screamed.

I padded back to my room, my feet making small, wet footprints. I ushered Zeus out of my room to change, dog or not, he was still a boy. I dried my body off and put on my undergarments while staring into my closet. I don't wanna wear clothes! Clothes suck... Yup, it was one of those days. I let out a heavy sigh. Positive thoughts, Belle. Positive thoughts...

I decide to settle for nice and simple, dark Jean Capri's with a deep green t-shirt and black Vans. I grabbed my school bag and stuffed my current romance novel in it, "Hungrr". Yes, it was spelt like that and yes, it was crappy, cheesy, and predictable, but the girls love interest was yummy and I was desperate. I looked in the mirror and grumbled, once again. "Here goes absolutely nothing!"

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