Ch7: I'm not crazy, Am I?

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The world faded in and out as the back of my head throbbed incessantly. Voices filled the background. Garbled, loud voices speaking sentences that didn't connect to me. Floating like leaves through the air falling from trees, but never landing.

"What the hell, Ren? You knocked her out?" There was a deep voice that sounded from what seemed miles out. Knocked who out?

"It's not like I tried! She was the one swinging a candelabra around like a sword. It's not my fault she landed on her ass- well, more like head- when I asked her who she was!" Oh, they were talking about me...

A deep sigh sounded. Whoever it was, they were angry and frustrated. "Right, the 5'2 burglar. That's your defense? Like you couldn't have taken her, Sarena?" The familiar voice was getting louder. Sarena... I knew I recognized the name, but from where? The female voice scoffed.

"I'm sorry, I forgot!" By the tone of her voice, I could tell she was starting to get more pissed than she was sarcastic. "Your little girlfriend steps into town and you suddenly lose your mind on anyone who breathes in her general direction in a way you don't like!" I heard someone plop into a chair, most likely Sarena. Even though she was talking about me, I was silently cheering her on. Go girl power, am I right? Wait, girlfriend? Were they still talking about me?

"It's not like I can control it, Ren! It's in-'' The even louder male voice was cut off.

"Yeah, yeah! 'Instinct', save the excuse for someone who cares, Beckett! I, frankly, don't give a shit." So, it was Beckett yelling like a baboon. Pounding his figurative chest in authority. Well, this Sarena chick wasn't having any of it.

"It would do you well to show a little respect, Sarena. I'm still the packs future-" The room had dropped about ten degrees with an icy chill, yet the tension was unbearably hot. I swear, if I didn't know any better, which I do, I'd say he was growling his sentences out.

"Oh, look! Still, don't give a shit, Becky Poo!" Sarena yelled ear piercingly loud. I gave so many props to this girl. Although, the sound made me wince in pain. Shoot, I blew my cover. A moan involuntarily escaped my lips. Double shoot.

"Belle?" I could feel Beckett hovering over me, inspecting every inch of my face. I winced again and mumbled. "Ren, get her an ice pack." My eyelids began to pry open, revealing two, blobby figures. All the previous venom and animosity he had displayed before had melted away to pure concern.

"Sure thing, Boss!" The standing figure replied sarcastically. Sarena... She was my new idol. The room was dark the only light coming from a desk lamp across the room. Beckett rolled his eyes and huffed something under his breath. I giggled, regretting it instantly as it made my temples throb even harder.

"How are you feeling?" Beckett asked, his blue eyes following my every move. He helped me into a sitting position on the plush couch. The air was nice and cool compared to the once unbearable tension.

"Just peachy!" I groaned while rubbing my temples. I was, obviously, in no mood to make small talk. Footsteps came from the distance.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Sarena said while handing me the ice pack. I couldn't make out her features very well but I could tell she was very tall with collarbone length brown hair. There wasn't much remorse in her voice.

"It's okay, you don't really have anything to be sorry for. I did it to myself." I replied sheepishly. It was partly true. The other part, I had to admit, was in the name of girl power. We girls had to stick together. I saw Sarena give Beckett an 'I told you so' look in triumph. I smiled and put my head in between my legs with the heavenly cool ice pack on my forehead.

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